The ghostly figure hit the video in the house Illinois

The ghostly figure was caught in a video in the house of a resident of IllinoisA photo from open sources

Veronica Shannon of Morris, Illinois claims that real devilry settled in her house.

According to the woman, she suddenly began to notice in her home a vague and pale human figure arising in the dark and dissolving every time in the air, like smoke.

Frightened by such cohabitation, the American decided to turn to local ghostbusters, and those probably succeeded get documentary evidence of a guest here from other world.

Having installed several cameras in the house, experts captured alleged phantom materializing behind one of specialists when he left the bedroom of our heroine. TO to everyone’s surprise, a whitish anthropomorphic silhouette, trembling and blurring in the air, stayed for a while near the door and again “met” the man when he returned.

Some World Wide Web users even looked at how a possible ghost opens the door to the “hunter”.

Despite the fact that the specialist did not see the anomaly on his own eyes, she perfectly captured on the below video recordings.

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