The ill-intentioned ghost was caught by the camera CCTV

An unfriendly ghost was caught by a surveillance cameraA photo from open sources

A girl from Chicago named Iris Alamo encountered a strange circumstance in his life: something or someone began to interfere with her sleep well at night. It didn’t even help that friend Iris set in her bedroom has a cctv camera.

As the girl wrote in the comments to the posted video (see below), she checked every morning what she was doing IR camera at night, but did not find anything suspicious. Not less, her sleep remained anxious, as if in the bedroom someone outsider. It felt really good and it reflected in the fortress of sleep.

It took a whole year, Iris writes, before the camera CCTV caught the essence, which, apparently, and interfered have a rest. That night, the ghost simply fell seriously: he “entered” the bedroom, really opening the door, and even tried pull a blanket from a girl. Naturally, such a disgrace camcorder recorded pretty well.

This is of course a great ghost or poltergeist video, Internet users write, but too much is directed – and the record is surprisingly high quality. This is for the skeptics, other Network regulars believed in the reality of the events. One user even caustically remarked that if the record is bad, skeptics certainly see this as a catch, and if good, then don’t believe even more. It’s hard to please.

And finally, many of the regulars on the World Wide Web wondered the question why Iris Alamo did not bother to write that she is now intend to do? It’s impossible to live like this, knowing what’s in your an entity from the other world is constantly wandering in the bedroom, moreover, unfriendly towards you …

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