The offended dead of Cheeseman Park

Offended Dead Park CheesemanPhotos from open sources of

At first glance Cheeseman Park, located in the city of Denver (state of Colorado) seems an oasis of peace and tranquility. Majestic trees and wonderful lawns give the impression of a quiet marina in surrounded by busy city streets. However, many consider it the seat of real horror.

A photo from open sources

… It all started when the park began to break in place a desecrated and grossly destroyed old cemetery. If the authorities quietly erected several buildings on cemetery ground – such in the city often happens, it would be quite natural. So no, this action was accompanied by a scandal that offended the public and caused a strong newspaper hype. Not to mention the offended dead themselves, about whom no one had thought at all.

History of the cemetery

In 1858 someone William Larimer laid a 320-acre plot of land, intended for a cemetery in the then growing city of Denver. He gave the cemetery the name Mount Mount Prospect. Moreover, for influential and wealthy residents were assigned the best sites located on a hill; ordinary people got the middle of the cemetery, and the poor and criminals – its outskirts …

A photo from open sources

At the end of the 19th century, the main territory deprived of due care Mount Prospect fell into decay and overgrown with lush greenery. Many the tombstones fell, wild dogs hid between the graves, and cattle roamed unhindered among the graves …

A photo from open sources

For this reason, wealthy families abandoned Mount Prospect in the benefit of two new cemeteries, and the old, which is now called “urban”, has become the last refuge for the poor, criminals, unknown, as well as victims of typhus and smallpox. With time ownership of it from Larimer passed to cabinetmaker John Valley, also not burdened with worries about the territory of the churchyard …

A photo from open sources

All this led to the fact that residents of nearby mansions began require the city authorities to take action against this ugliness, and they bought his land from Valley for purely the symbolic amount is 200 dollars.

Despite the fact that the main part of the cemetery is very dilapidated, in Jewish and Catholic sections still maintained order, and, when the land was taken by the municipality of Denver, Jewish churches were taken away their deceased, and the Catholic bought the corresponding plot land and before 1950 kept him in excellent condition.

Reburial of the dead

In 1951 Denver authorities demanded to clear the territory city ​​cemetery and took 90 days to rebury the remains. Due to this, some graves were opened by relatives deceased for the purpose of re-burial, but more than five thousand burials remained unclaimed. Finally spring began preparation for the reburial of all remaining bodies. Fearing possible infection, city mayor Platt Rogers temporarily left Denver

A photo from open sources

The operation was entrusted to the entrepreneur I.F.Makgovern (as it turned out very unsuccessfully). Work under his leadership carried out extremely sloppy, dishonest and obscene. The urban legend says that during it the cemetery appeared some old woman. Turning to the workers, she began to say that prayer should be read over each of the dug bodies, otherwise the dead, they say, will return. They only laughed at the old woman. Workers in a hurry, because in the district there were people who wanted to “profit” from jewelry and tablets from graves and open coffins …

Human remains that did not have time to crumble into small parts, unceremoniously pulled out of old coffins, broken and somehow stuffed into new ones the size of a box. Subsequently all those participating in atrocities admitted that they felt fear and oppressive the presence of something unknown …

For example, according to worker Jim Astor, he suddenly felt like he fell on his shoulders and pressed the invisible land. Jim was so scared that he threw a couple into the looted grave name plates torn by him from the opened coffins that he I wanted to take myself as souvenirs. The next day jim astor not wished to return to the site.

A photo from open sources

… Almost immediately after these sacrilege, the residents of the neighboring houses became Report ghosts. At night, someone pounded on windows and doors, and from open graves low sounds similar to groans. When the mayor of Denver returned to the city, the local newspapers were already with might and main trumpeted about mockery of the bodies of the deceased and local corruption authorities …

The situation quickly grew into a scandal, intervened in it Denver Sanitary Station Suspends Shameful reburial. As a result of the investigation, Platt Rogers was forced to resign. And in the cemetery itself still there was a considerable part of the unburied remains …

In order not to disturb the citizens anymore, the unfortunate place was surrounded by the fence. No one drew up a new reburial contract, and over time about the dead of the old city cemetery (and their number amounted to at least two thousand) they completely forgot …

A park was built on the bones of the dead

Somewhat later, the bookmark of Cheeseman Park (named one of the founding fathers of Denver). Bushes and seedlings were planted on somehow abandoned graves …

A photo from open sources

A lot of time has passed since then. Despite all the measures called to ennoble the territory of the park, the ghosts of people whose remains are so rudely disturbed, actively present here, which is confirmed stories of numerous visitors. People coming to the park relax and rest (while not knowing his story), there are painful feelings, longing and even mortal fear. Senior citizens generally try to avoid this place, true, modern youth does not pay much attention to all kinds of superstition, but this basically does not change anything, for example, in Cheeseman Park most often committed suicide and without a trace people disappear …

They also say that in the evening twilight in the park alleys foggy silhouettes and strange shadows appear, you can hear a whisper and frightening moans. And at night, playing children appear, who then disappear without a trace. They also talk about walking along the alleys. a strange woman humming something in an undertone. She appears too suddenly and suddenly disappears …

A photo from open sources

What scares people is that when you try to get up from the ground of the park after rest they have difficulty, as if they are being held invisible forces. On moonlit nights on earth you can see the outlines former graves. In a word, Cheeseman Park is a place where the living try to get out before dusk …


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