The phantom of the Pshad maid fell into the lens the cameras

The ghost of the Pshad virgin fell into the camera lensPhoto from open sources

The village of Pshad of the Krasnodar Territory is known in the district for the ghost of the drowned woman – the so-called Pshad lady, lives here. The ghost is harmless, however, in relation only to the locals. But tourists from him may have troubles, at least least scare their ghostly maiden is always much more.

But recent tourists managed to not only feel for themselves the presence of a Pshad lady, but also accidentally remove the ghost on camcorder. As the participant of this camping trip Marina tells Dadonov, they just filmed nature, which in the vicinity of Pshada very pretty. And when we looked at the footage, we found that in the lens hit some blurry silhouette, clearly female. And he doesn’t just appeared in the frame, but literally walked or swam (as it is more true say) through the meadow, and then disappeared into the trees.

Traces of the ghostly guest were discovered not only in the video. When they went to bed at night, says the second participant in the events of Denis Nikitin, we had a feeling (and everyone, without exception) feeling that someone is present near the camp. The next morning we found that the whole the dishes are thrown into the fire, although none of us would do this even on purpose.

According to legend, which is known by all residents in these places, Pshadskaya lady is the ghost of a girl who lived here for about two centuries back. Just before the wedding, the groom leaves her, and the failed the bride throws herself from a cliff into the river. Since then and wanders her restless soul – in the form of a translucent silhouette. They see him many and quite often, but this no longer scares anyone – they’re used to it. Yes and the Pshad lady does no harm to anyone. And with tourists – so, indulging in …

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