The spirit of Joseph Kobzon photographed at a meeting State Duma

The spirit of Joseph Kobzon photographed at a meeting of the State DumaA photo from open sources

Famous domestic performer, political and public figure Joseph Kobzon died on August 30 of this years at the age of 80 (on September 11 he turned 81) after prolonged fight against the disease.

Despite this, some Runet users are sure that the spirit the legendary pop singer is still in our the world and even visits the place of his former work, as if still alive and well.

The fact is that the most observant regulars on the Web suddenly examined the alleged phantom of the artist in a recent snapshot meetings of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Is Joseph Davydovich really being a deputy of the Russian parliament, decided materialize here after death?

A photo from open sources

Translucent male silhouette in a business suit and with brand “Kobzon” hair-overlay stood among the rows and looked, Apparently, right in the camera lens. It happened during adoption by parliamentarians of a bill regarding fines for dismissal of Russians in the pre-retirement age. Believers in mysticism and afterlife Runet regulars suggest that a ghost Kobzon came to the rally of the people’s representatives in order to warn them on liability for an anti-people pension reform …

A mysterious shot was commented on by Russian psychics. Many of them concluded that the spirit of the artist could materialize in the world living only with the condition that God’s judgment passed safely. People’s Artist of the USSR is known for his patriotism, charity and many good deeds, so it’s easy imagine that he actually went to a better place where nevertheless, he was allowed to visit at the request of the median, our material world.

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