The story of one murder uncovered thanks ghost testimony

A photo from open sources

This story began in 1897. In Greenbrier (Western Virginia, USA) A young woman named Zone Heather died. Doctors could not agree on a reason death, but no reason to suspect its violent nature It was. Heartbroken husband of the deceased did not leave his body until the funeral wives – he washed himself, dressed and laid in a coffin … And after the funeral began to appear to her mother. She came four nights in a row and each time she complained that her husband brutally beat her for the slightest misconduct and finally broke the poor woman’s neck. According to the mother, talking about his murder, the ghost of the Zone took his head and turned her 180 degrees. Mother went to the investigator and several hours convinced him to resume the business and conduct exhumation and the one finally gave up. After opening it became clear that the neck of the Zone really was broken. Her husband was sentenced to life conclusion. So far this is the only real case when otherworldly testimonies helped solve the crime.

A photo open source Mary Jane Hister, mother of the Zone and Zone Hister

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