A photo from open sources
In our enlightened time, the poltergeist often tries to enter in verbal contact. The most famous case is registered in English city of Anfield in 1977. “Noisy spirit” persistently tried to communicate with people, but at the same time pronounced alone obscenity and scattered everywhere “messages” – scribbled scribble scraps of paper. And once he suddenly demanded: “I want listen to jazz music. Put it or I’ll go crazy! ”
In the USSR, the L. L. L. Parapsychology Foundation Vasiliev organized ambulance service for the scientific study of the mysterious poltergeist phenomenon. Its head, doctor of medical sciences Andrei Li, he went to dozens of times, studying various manifestations of poltergeist: mechanical, thermal, water. And in the end noted a characteristic feature: “noisy spirit” never creates deadly situation for people.
Items flying at high speed or change course without reaching to a person, or in an incomprehensible way, stop and fall, lightly touching the body. Furniture never falls on people. Things light up only if there is someone in the house who able to extinguish the fire. Even when a person suddenly by itself the clothes light up and he tries to bring down the fire with his bare hands, burns on the body and hands does not remain! And in winter, in frosty weather, “drum” never breaks the glass in the windows.
The existence of such “game conditions” suggests that that the mysterious “spirit” has reason! At first glance, the hypothesis is absurd. If reasonable, then why annoy people, arranging all sorts of tricks, from which he won nothing? After all, the mind by definition can’t only pursue destructive, negative goals, that is, to be absolute evil. The answer to this riddle gave research conducted by a group of experts led by Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, candidate Technical Sciences of Boris Marchenko.
Wonderful neighbor
It all started with the fact that December 25, 1989 in the apartment of Vera Andreevna Maximova and her 14-year-old son Dima settled “noisy spirit. “He notified the hosts with a loud rattle of his appearance, heard from under the ottoman. Then he pulled the sheet out from under the boy lying on it and bent the floor of the floor lamp in an arc. “Naughty” spirit and in the following days: drawers came out of the nightstands by themselves, chairs moved and fell. But gradually he began to behave decently, limited only to knocks at night. Little by little, Vera Andreevna and Dima stopped being afraid of him, they called him Vasya and even started banging with him.
“We began to be in Maximov’s apartment since January 1990, – Marchenko writes in his report. – On our first visit to Vera Andreevna asked Vasya for a long time not to shy away from new people and knock for us. For two hours there was no answer, but then he still gave know about yourself. Subsequently, the “drum” came to taste and became with us to communicate. The first step to making information contact was made by creating game situations.
From the owners of the apartment we knew that sometimes a tambourine flew around the room and sticks from a metallophone, so we tried to draw Vasya into musical creativity, including tape recordings. He soon began to play along, hitting a tambourine or sticks on a metallophone.
Then we had the idea to teach the invisible-ku-poltergeist typing on a typewriter. For this, we brought to the apartment and just in case, so as not to drop and break, put right on the floor old underwood. First, Vasya pulled paper out of the carriage. I had to explain why it was needed and what was required of it. We turn off the light and hear how he presses the keys. initially carefully, then stronger. And turning on the light, we find on inserted into typewriter paper a random set of letters and numbers. We continue training, and after half an hour our “noisy spirit” printed its name, however, with a small letter. Then he began to use the machine confidently and smartly tapped the answers to our questions. ”
He’s just like you and me, but …
From these answers it followed that the poltergeist Vasya was not at all a spirit. By by its nature, it is material, although it resides in another dimension. If you believe the information communicated to him, its anatomical structure similar to human: he has two arms, two legs, two eyes, nose and ears. As for the sizes, they are not constant and can change: a two-meter creature can shrink to a ball two centimeters in diameter.
Indeed, once Marchenko managed to observe Vasya during a few minutes in the form of a black ball with a diameter of about 20 mm. Later, when the contact was finally established, after quite long negotiations Vasya agreed to pose before the camera. The device captured a pear-shaped transparent object, and inclined light transparent strip.
Simple calculations showed that in the first case it had a length of 328 mm and a diameter of 230 mm, and in the second – a width of 150 mm and a height of about 2 meters. The poltergeist himself explained that these photographs represent his “energy projection into your dimension, or into your world.”
Researchers learned the most interesting from the school principal, in which Dima studied. It turns out that Vasya accompanies him to school and helps to learn: even if a boy has not learned a lesson, he has the necessary answer appeared to the head. Such help testified to reasonably high intelligence poltergeist. Decided to hold experiment: they asked him to solve the equation: 2x – 4 = 0. Vasya instantly replied: “X is equal to two.” Complicated the task: calculate integral. And again the correct answer. We tried to ask questions on foreign languages. Vasya understood everything perfectly. However, the inheritance the same session found that questions can be asked mentally, not uttering out loud.
Vasilisa from nowhere
To find out the knowledge and abilities of the poltergeist, they asked him discharge the galvanic battery or reduce its voltage. For experiment took two manganese-zinc three-cell batteries KBLS with a voltage of 4.5 volts. One put on the table and measured voltage tester.
By the way, by the time the second poltergeist settled in the apartment – Vasilisa. Moreover, this “drum” said “out of nowhere”: in the room suddenly a voice came. Many have heard it and even recorded on record player. So when the battery experience started, unexpectedly Vasilisa intervened: “To reduce battery voltage, complex physical and chemical processes, and Vasya will need 15-20 minutes. ”
After the specified time, the voltage of the two batteries was measured: control and the one affected by the poltergeist. The second voltage dropped to 1 volt. So poltergeist had the amount of knowledge necessary to solve this problem.
By the way, Marchenko and his experts managed to persuade Vasilisa to act on a camcorder. Although the people present at the same time, they didn’t see anything, the human figure in silver tight jumpsuit. According to Vasilisa, in his in the world she usually exists in a female form, her height is two meters, blue eyes, pink and white skin. However, in subsequent conversations with it turned out that the shape and size are not stable, they may change at her request.
Here is the dialogue with her on the tape recorder:
“Where do you sleep here in the apartment?” – In Dima’s closet. – Where are you go to bed there? – On the shelf. – How do you fit in there if you two meters tall? – So what, little do. – How? -I change my volume.
Similar data on the form of poltergeist received and foreign research. So, an Italian scientist reports that he succeeded when shooting in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, get numerous shots of round objects. Doctor of Technical G. Pritzker from Almaty demonstrates photographs, too obtained by shooting in the ultraviolet spectrum, on which captured objects are round in shape the size of an orange.
Dumbbells not only naughty
But back to our Vasya. When communicating with him, researchers repeatedly convinced that he is well versed in circuits and designs of cameras, flash units and tape recorders. Many times he did not allow observers to take pictures and record voice second poltergeist, somehow affecting the equipment. For instance, when the shutter-release button is pressed, the shutter is released normal, and the flash only after a few seconds. At when the “record” button is turned on, the tape recorder suddenly stopped working, but it was worth going out with him to the next room, as the bobbin began spin normally.
An interesting case occurred when the Marchenko group decided record the voice of Vasilisa. The film was not new, with the recording American singer. But the researchers either did not know about it, or did not remember. And suddenly Vasilisa said: “Why spoil the good record? “That is, a poltergeist is able to read a record from a magnetic tapes without listening.
Experts were convinced that poltergeist understands schemes TVs. True, this happened with another “noisy spirit”, received the name Bio. This “drum” gave 12-year-old Andrew instructions, guided by which the boy was able to fix the color TV, although he did not understand what his hands were doing. It is happened in one of the apartments in the house on Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Lane in Petersburg.
“So you can definitely consider poltergeist reasonable, and equal in intelligence educated to man, – the researchers made such a conclusion. – But this is far from higher intelligence. “Noisy spirits” have a lot of manifestations of the primitive thinking, frequent violations of logic. Created at the same time impression of programmed action: “We have in the program this is not “- such was the typical poltergeist response to some requests. In addition, it should be noted that the objects of the subtle world possess properties that cannot yet be explained with positions of modern knowledge, and knowing them can bring science to a whole new level. ”
But how and why does a poltergeist penetrate our world?
Sergey Dyomkin Magazine “Miracles and Adventures” №3 March 2014