There are ghosts in space

A photo from open sources

For a long time, pilots and astronauts have reported mysterious phenomena occurring in the upper layers of the earth’s atmosphere. However only recently have scientists become interested in these facts. This is about some ghostly substances arising in near-Earth space at an altitude of 50 to 100 km. Some of them even resemble living things. But, unlike classic ghosts, they are shown to people only for a split second. Reports of strange nightly “flashes” were regularly reported from aircraft pilots. However the first evidence of the existence of “ghosts” was received only in 70s last century. And only at the beginning of this century them finally managed to capture using the equipment on board orbital stations. As it turned out, cosmic “ghosts” amenable to classification by appearance. Reddish rings experts dubbed “elves”, blue “jellyfish” – “sprites”, reds – “tigers”, beating up blue “fountains” – “blue jets. “A few days before the crash of the American shuttle Columbia in February 2003, astronauts transmitted images from depicting a substance of unknown origin, reminiscent of jellyfish shape. A powerful red glow emanated from her. Object was filmed at an altitude of 150 km above Madagascar. First successful shots with image of “sprite” were obtained in the summer of 2005 in Colorado employees of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. The shooting was carried out by a special camera with a speed of 5 thousand frames per give me a sec. The pictures really show something resembling a jellyfish blue with long tentacles. However shooting more powerful equipment at a speed of 10 thousand frames per second, which applied by atmospheric physics experts from the University of Alaska, revealed the true appearance of “sprites”: in fact, they looked like bouncing balls! Hans Research Team Leader Nelsen claims that we are talking about bright clots resembling soccer field-sized ball lightnings flying first vertically down, and then up, at a speed equal to one tenth of the speed of light. One of the pictures shows how from a clot something is pouring in. According to Nelsen, space “ghosts” are the result of chemical compounds capable of affect atmospheric processes. In particular, because of them the ozone layer can be destroyed and the climate can change. However neither Nelsen, nor his colleagues from the European Space Agency so far cannot clarify the nature of the phenomenon. Now they are planning set speed cameras onboard the ISS to take down ghosts close up closeup. Maybe nothing supernatural in “ghosts” and not. Not so long ago doctor physical and mathematical sciences, professor, professor of Samarsky Municipal University Yuri Ratis published a book “A laudable word to physics” in which it tries to give an explanation most known abnormal phenomena. From a scientist’s point of view, UFOs, ball lightning, crop circles – all these are manifestations called high-temperature radioactive plasma! They supposedly are clusters of radioactive substances concentrating in the atmosphere. I wonder how to explain cases observations of objects of clearly man-made origin or episodes, when UFOs are clearly behaving reasonably, for example, moving along a complex trajectories? But back to the cosmic “ghosts.” Why not to assume that these are subtle entities in which, say, do the souls of living beings turn after death? After all, they, souls, go away? Physics is physics, and mysticism cannot be dumped either. accounts. Amodeus

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