Togliatti residents are regularly attacked drummers

A family of refugees from one of the former republics of the USSR (son of nine years old, mother, grandmother) moved to Togliatti in the middle nineties. They rented a one-room apartment. January morning began with that in the apartment there were rustling, tapping, as if something invisible appeared that could not live silently.

On the day the active phase of the poltergeist began, my grandmother remained at home with the grandson. Mother, having come home from work, found such a picture – grandmother sits on a stool with his legs on the bar and a second-grader grandson sits on his grandmother’s lap, and both are able to, close to panic. It turned out that this time, except faceless tapping in the air and rustling under the sofa began quite visible and tangible phenomena. The heavy carpet in the room was shaking, moving away from the wall as if running under it along the wall some kind of animal the size of a big cat.

Drummers regularly attack residents of TolyattiA photo from open sources

Toy cars rolled out from under the table, where they always We spent the night, and by ourselves rode along the corridor. Curtains that closed the kitchen battery, began to twitch on their own, as if their pushed from the side of the window with a rounded object.

In a one-room apartment, it would be easy for a grandmother or grandson to follow each other if one of them decided so play a joke on another member of the family. However phenomena occurred in front of both of them. Poltergeist jokes slightly subsided only when mother returned from work, and even then only at first. In the following days, phenomena occurred in the same way in the presence of any of them. Events were similar to those that occurred back in 1988 in one of the Moscow workers dormitories. Since that time, the “invisible pranksters” were given the name “drum”.

This family knew how brownies were treated in the Russian tradition, if they suddenly started to be naughty (they were sure that they wound up namely brownie). The first thing we decided to feed him. It doesn’t matter that invisible – since they are hooligans, they considered, it means, a living being, and can get hungry. The most interesting thing is that this technique worked – the corner at cookies laid on the battery by the kitchen table turned bit off. Then we compared the bite of the “house” with the bite of each from family members – there was nothing similar between them. And, once an object of research appeared, experiments began. “Lamb” offered a choice of different products – traces of his teeth remained on a piece of sorbet, a trace of the “tongue” – on sour cream, and coffee with milk disappeared from the saucer without a trace. He did not react to cheese no way.

Mother, remembering the story of the Moscow Barabashka, tried to teach your invisible tenant to answer questions. Since his beloved occupation was to pull the curtains, then this is chosen as the language communication. The code was standard: the answer is yes – the curtain twitched one times, the answer is “no” – the curtain hung quietly. So we managed to find out that the newly arrived apartment dweller does not want to be called the Lamb. Going through the options, the mother suddenly dawned: “He loves to pull the curtains, then it’s going to be “Dergashka”. He liked the new name, that he confirmed by waving the curtains. In the same way tried to persuade its not jealous of the cat to the boy.

The fact is that recently, a common favorite – two-year-old cat – stopped sleeping next to his son, and did not even give stroking himself, pulled himself out and ran away. Mother, having guessed what’s the matter, turned to an invisible family member: “Don’t be jealous of your son and cat, we are all we live here and should be friends, understood? “-” Yes, “the curtain jerked in answer. And they replaced the cat, he didn’t run away from the boy anymore.

The cat’s behavior sometimes looked like he saw someone yanks the curtains. The same inhabitant of the apartment saw a dog who brought relatives. However, there were times when people managed to accidentally see the fifth tenant of their apartment. He looked like almost transparent, like a jellyfish in seawater, and looked like at the same time a cat and a teddy bear, and with a quick movement looked like a ball of fog. At one such moment, the little son noticed him lying on the floor and his paws (or what looked like paws) holding the curtain. The curtain itself at that very moment was tightly stretched.

I must say that the owners even managed to touch that the invisible “arm” (foot) that moved the curtain, and this the feeling was like that of a softly inflated rubber ball.

An analysis of previous events showed that poltergeist signs were observed several months before the onset of the active phase, but the owners did not pay attention to them, because they did not know what their match. A characteristic detail showing lack of alignment poltergeist events, there is such a fact: the owners noted that before a spontaneous throw of an item, this item It began to vibrate weakly, and only after that it broke off. When flying, some objects rotated around the longitudinal axis in forward direction. They could not know what kind of behavior items typical for almost all cases of movement objects in the poltergeist process.

In this case, poltergeist, we noted a very caring the attitude of Dergashka to the owners of the apartment – for example, he is in one night removed the suppuration from a splinter from his mother, helped his grandmother relieve heart attack (grandmother felt heavy at night on her left side chest, but, as he says, the severity of pain is gone, and all this – without medication and the visit of doctors).

Watching the poltergeist and recording the events taking place, we detected peculiar activity peaks when behavior Dergashki was like the behavior of a mischievous child. For those moments are characteristic quite aggressive towards people behavior – then the shirt in a blink of an eye was pulled over the boy’s head, then the clothes that the grandmother had washed were scattered around floor, there were cases when tights from the bathroom flew out and tied with a knot on the boy’s hand before he could start.

Once the owners managed to stop the violence of this invisibility, pouring him sweet tea with milk, another time – using simple psychological technique.

Going through the versions, it would be natural to assume that this is not poltergeist at all, and the son is naughty. However, a number of cases have been recorded reliably evidence of spontaneous movement items when all family members were outside reach of moving objects: for example, all three people are at the opposite wall of the room when it twitches curtain; or a mother, son and his friends are sitting on a bench near the entrance, when from the air someone invisible throws clods of earth at them, plastic bottles and other garbage. It was like a mother hugging son, and at that moment, in response to a question, he twitches curtain, etc.

And besides, the creature responsible for the poltergeist phenomena in In this case, it was repeatedly seen visually. Relative mother noticed him as a spot of oscillating air (like a mirage over warm soil), beyond which the pattern was poorly distinguishable Wallpaper. The place of visual distortion was small. Another friend saw him as a clearly limited volume, similar to a large a water lens elongated along the vertical axis and levitated in in the air. Mother and grandmother saw him as a gray rounded shadow, moving around the room. The boy saw him first as a clot water, then, in the summer of 1998, as a humanoid creature less of it and had the appearance of “greenish air”. Autumn 1998 he already saw Dergashka as a well-shaped man growing on half-head-head taller than the boy himself and looked like “blue air”.

For the sake of objectivity, it should be added that this poltergeist gradually moved into the phase of “provocative poltergeist”. Via hidden videos and some other methods of objectification poltergeist phenomena managed to establish that poltergeist, weakened by the completely natural laws of development of this phenomenon, in the literal sense of the word was supported by a boy, who, apparently, really liked such attention from adults. The curtains were already moving not with the invisibility, but with the foot boy, items were not transferred from room to room by themselves himself, and by the same boy who was trying to choose the moment when, as it seemed to him, no one sees him, etc. So the researchers you have to take into account the laws of not only parapsychology, but also the usual human psychology … Although once again I draw the attention of readers, that little son “connected” to poltergeist tricks only through several months after the start of all the events described.

It may seem that similar events described are few and are extremely rare. However, this only seems so. Rare only large poltergeist processes, and single events a lot going on. Sometimes they do not bother the owners at all apartments “with the shares” – rather, even amuse. From messages Togliatti – eyewitnesses of unusual cases in respect of which we can assume the presence of some invisible, but objectively existing power – in a few years a peculiar “Assorted Life Brownies.” Here are a few stories from this “assorted”.

Tolyatti, Primorsky Boulevard, 8th quarter

Anticipating this story, I’ll say this about what. It will not be superfluous to remember that folk rituals absolutely clearly prescribe some attention signs, just like any other a family member or (let the little housewives not be offended) beloved home to the animal. However, attention does not remain unrequited. For example, there was such a case. The woman lost the key to the apartment. The husband went on work, she remained to guard. But she also needed urgently leave home. How to be Do not leave the same apartment without supervision? Thinking, she seriously ordered her home (in the existence of which, according to some signs, was almost sure) – save, they say, protect, and do not let anyone in. Dominok, one must think, took the mandate literally – nobody, then no one. Two hours later, the spouse returns home, and the husband sits on bench in front of the porch. He could not open the OPEN door and enter to your own apartment. When they came to the door together, it was worth woman only gently press the handle like a door calmly opened up.

Samara region, the village of Khryashchevka

It happens that a brownie explicitly states not only rights to food, but also to the territory. The grandfather of one of the residents of our city is not believed neither in brownies, nor in ghosts, nor in other, as he her called nonsense. But once he himself had to face this “nonsense.” Offended by his grandmother, his grandfather went into the attic and lay down a bunch of hay. He just closed his eyes – someone pushed him to the side. Opened no one’s eyes. He closed it again – again a push, and again no one was there! The third time, closing his eyes, the grandfather suddenly heard a voice: “Fedor, get down, you took my place. ” “And who are you?” – the grandfather asked, without opening his eyes, – “I’m a brownie, I’m living in your house.” I had to switch grandfather to another place, and there no one touched him already.

Tolyatti, Avtozavodsky District, 11th quarter

A boy of about twelve, playing Tarzan, jumped from a bed on bed and made an incredible noise. Hearing an indignant shout mother, he ran out into the corridor and nose to nose collided with a small a curious man dressed in a spacious shirt, belted with a rope, a hat and some shapeless onuchi. Despite size, it was a completely adult male creation, disheveled and curiously looking at the outrage of the family peace of mind. The son hooted in surprise, and the vision was lost.

Who knows, but maybe this same creature once helped his mother Do not fall or break. Here is how it was. During the next cleaning a woman climbed onto a stool to reach out and dust off ventilation grill. Almost finished work, she suddenly felt that she was losing her balance and falling. Imagine, what it is like to rattle from under the ceiling of your own apartment! Leaning already at an angle of forty degrees, the woman suddenly I felt that someone supported her with a firm hand under her back, and then put in place with a stool. Breathing, she went down to the floor and was going to thank her husband for their support – and only then it dawned on her that there was nobody in the apartment! Husband on work, son at school …

Tolyatti, once again – Volga Automobile Plant

Not only in apartments of surprised residents, but also in VAZ workshops repeatedly noticed – no, not the workers, but the real gnomes and fairies. Strange as it may seem. And what, in fact, is the workshop different from apartment? Who cares where they appear in our world from another, his world? For example, during one of the night duty on one of the workshops, the attention of workers was attracted a light silver female laugh and a slight chime bells. Having stepped into the passage of the workshop, they saw how past them, laughing and dancing, run through a few graceful little ones girls in white long dresses and barefoot, and behind them, struggling trying to catch up with them, the gnome waddles on short legs in cap.

Water Cat Time

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