According to one legend, unclean forces spread on Earth after the Lord, angry at the construction of the Babylonian towers, mixed languages of people. “The instigators, depriving the image and likeness human, God forever sent to guard the waters, mountains, the woods. Who was at home at the time of the curse — became a brownie, in the forest— we’re making love …
Goblin began to host in the forest; water, swamp, kikimora live in rivers, swamps, lakes; brownie landed in an open stove pipe, since then lives next to people. Ancient Slavs who believed undead by the natural spirit, knew that he could be in relation to people both good and evil – it all depended on the person’s ability to lead correctly yourself in relation to the world.
He is called the Master, Grandfather, Good-natured, Good-natured, and even Breadwinner. The brownie is perhaps the only one of all spirits going to people with good. He protects the house from all sorts of misfortunes: thieves, fire, natural disaster, etc., protects the households themselves from disease and evil spirits. It is believed that every home certainly has one such invisible tenant, whom from ancient times belonged with attention and reverence, although a little afraid.
A photo from open sources
Its main difference from other representatives of unclean strength can be called what the brownie never causes the owners evil for real. And he does not like when he is called unclean by force, angry and playful.
In addition, the brownie does not fear the cross and icons. This is because the keeper of the house, although he was expelled God, but considered repentant and partially forgiven. He even there is a chance to receive complete forgiveness and enter the kingdom of heaven, but for this the householder needs to live with one owner for 70 years, help him in every way and protect him.
Its origin is explained in different ways. Christian sources they say that one of the deceased family members could become a brownie, and each time with the death of the owner, he took the image of the deceased. Interestingly, the age count for the brownie goes from increasing to descending, he is born wise and old, lives about 700 years, and dies a helpless baby.
Few can boast that he saw a brownie, but eyewitnesses describe it almost identically: strong, squat peasant, half a meter tall, arms and legs are short, but at the same time feet, palms and head disproportionately large. And the most important thing – this is that he is all unusually hairy – thick reddish even his palms are covered with hair.
They say that he becomes like tenants when they live together for a long time. Many often hear his silent cry, deaf restrained moans, and sometimes abruptly brief or, conversely, soft and affectionate, but always illegible exclamations.
True, if quick-witted masters succeed, if appropriate skillfully hail him and ask a question, they can hear and quite articulate response.
When people moved to a new place, the brownie was always called with with a special hospitable rite. Many people know the tradition of launching a cat first into a new home, but few know with what is the reason. It turns out that on this hearth keeper to the room.
It is known that a brownie tends to express in a peculiar way his disposition towards people, namely, to lean on his chest in a dream and to crush.
One night, Catherine F. woke up in horror. Something crushed her on the chest and neck. Remembering the stories of grandmas that so often does brownie, foreshadowing trouble or happiness, she panting, barely squeezed from myself: “For worse or for good?” And I heard in reply: “To the worse.” Through a few days later her mother-in-law died.
Bioenergy believes that the owners of signs of brownie always can learn about impending troubles: crying – to the dead man, howls in pipes – to litigation, wet in a dream – to illness, thunders with dishes – to danger from fire, gently strokes – to good. If you want to get rid of such attention and affection, then use an ancient effective remedy: use the most refined and complex expressive expressions of the Russian language, which You know, the greater the number of storeys they will be, the better.
Brownies do not like quarrels and mess in the house. There are cases when the brownie prevented the infidelity of his masters, leaning on the perpetrator at night and strangling slightly. In addition, they quite jealous. There is a known case when young people got married and husband moved to a young wife. But only to sleep in a new place, he does not could, someone pushed him at night and pinched his leg, and appeared in the morning bruises. This continued until he was advised to make friends with brownies – leave a treat for the night and ask permission to live in his apartment. The guy followed the advice, and over time the situation dramatically changed.
Some of the brownies have a family. His wife is a housewife (or house), and children – householders. And it’s just a little house was to see, since he, unlike his father and mother, is still bad owns invisibility and non-spatial displacements.
The brownie may feel advance damage to the house. AND if a person with bad intentions entered the house, a brownie begins to worry and show signs. A dashing person out of hand a cup may fall out, clothes may suddenly burst, spill something on the tablecloth. As if they signal you – pay attention to this person, he intends to harm you.
Brownies have their own holiday. It’s the new year they celebrated on the night of February 10 to 11. These days you must congratulate your brownie and his family. Actually brownies in the winter sleep, unlike other sacred evil spirits. But this night wake up and walk, have fun and make noise.
Servants of Veles
Even the name “goblin” comes from the word “forest” with a little an old-Russian pronunciation. People say that he can only be seen in the guise in which he himself will want to appear. Most often this is a completely humanoid appearance: peppy old man or a huge man with a knapsack and a staff, in a sloppy clothes of a greenish tint or in a red caftan, on which the buttons are on the left and the belt fastened on the contrary, the left bast shoe worn on the right foot, and the right on the left.
A photo from open sources
When the goblin sits on a stump, he always puts his left foot on right. The eyes of this demon of emerald color, radiate energy. But most of all he likes to appear in front of people in the image of a shaggy scary old man with a beard, horns and goat legs. Clothing, if she is present on it, it will be necessarily inside out. There is a belief that this evil has the properties of a werewolf, therefore, sometimes it can appear in the form of any animal, except for birds, and even wood.
It is believed that goblin is the eyes and ears of Veles. It’s through goblin this beast god and herd keeper is watching the forest, when need interfering in the course of events. In ancient times it was believed that through the devil one can communicate with Veles, gaining sacred knowledge about the world.
In the north of Russia, the goblin was considered dumb, but vociferous: he knew how sing, but without words, cheering himself clapping his hands. He sings sometimes loudly (as the forest makes a noise in a storm) and calms down only with first rooster singing. Goblin does not wear a hat, he does not have a right ear, he combes his hair to the left. And in the Karachay and Bryansk forests always seen with a huge club in his hands.
There are cases when the goblin showed people mushroom and berry places and even brought travelers lost in the forest. But if a person did not like the forest spirit or came to the forest with a view harm, the goblin will start to scare him, issuing loud and mournful sounds, howling wind, crackling trees.
He can take the path to the side, lure him into a swamp or “drive” – to make walking in circles in the same place. At in this he usually does not expose a person to serious danger. People, who happened to meet with a devil, said that he talking without opening his mouth, sending the necessary images to the brain and thoughts.
There is a popular version that the souls of the damned and dead people, as well as babies stolen by unclean baptism. It is known that suicides were not buried in cemeteries, they called false deceased, carried to the swamps, into ravines and neither in no case were they bombarded with earth.
So, it was these dead people who could appeal to goblin very evil temper. If the goblin is unhappy with the activities of people, he goes to village, scares women, abducts children, whose mother is in a fit of anger awarded reckless curses.
And he also loves to exchange his leshatch, ugly, evil and noisy, on human children. Unlike many other unclean spirits, goblin social. They have a hut where they live with their wives and children. It is believed that the wives of the devil come from the souls of the ruined by him girls who were cursed by their parents. Find the goof of the goblin You can only one way – to follow him. Although get out of this the hut is not very simple, and if the goblin himself does not want, then wherever you no matter how you go, all one will return to her.
Despite all this, the goblin is considered a character more positive than negative. Especially if a person entering forest, shows respect to its owner and leaves somewhere on hemp egg or cheese. It is these goblin products that loves more the rest. According to legend, the goblin, like other spirits, celebrates the coming spring and waiting for Easter, so there is a belief that the best gift for him is an easter egg.
Many said that they visited the goblin, drank with him, having fun, while completely losing track of time. It seemed to them that the feast lasted several hours, but in fact the person was absent at home for several days.
Vodian in various places is called vodovik, water grandfather, river gentleman and even the king. If it comes to him, then certainly with such characteristics as anger, cunning and vindictiveness. Often, it prevents the rescue of drowning people.
A photo from open sources
Externally, water, like the rest of the perfume, looks half-human semi-animal. An interesting fact is that no one ever does not describe the lower part of his body. One can only assume that he has either a mermaid tail, or between his toes membranes, like in waterfowl. Most eyewitnesses who had a chance to see a waterman, argue that this is an old man high growth. It is all covered with moss and swamp grass, only this clothing or the skin is incomprehensible.
There is certainly a long green beard that he is in full moon combs sitting on the shore. Hallmark of this the character are huge red eyes and a big nose. Sometimes he takes the image of a naked youth, rushes into the network of fishermen, making huge holes in them.
And sometimes it turns into an unrealistically large pike, and if a fisherman accidentally hit such a fish with a jail, then wait for trouble: they’ll drown and boat, and people. Usually he moves on a catfish, and therefore in in some places this fish – the “damn horse” – is not advised to eat.
In addition to the version that water is one of the demons overthrown God to Earth, there is another, according to which he occurred from the children of Adam, whom he hid from God. Well and of course it is entirely possible that the aquatic descended from damned people, mortgaged deceased, whose corpses were often dumped into the waters of lakes and pools. Its age depends on the phase of the moon: when a new one is born, it young, and in the full moon is old.
Like a real owner, a water man monitors his possessions. He is not tolerates noise and talking near the water about hares, bears, clergy and especially mentions of the Almighty. Preserved recollections of one of the Novgorodians: “Near the winter road there are rides. Uncle Stepan said that there are a lot of fish in this place, only no need to say anything. I knocked the tops out of my hands three times. I as I see the fish, every time I say: “Well, thank God, a lot of fish!” AND every time they crack on the top, they will lower all the fish. Westimo it was awkward for the water that he remembered God, well, he didn’t give fish then. ”
A photo from open sources
It’s interesting that when a watermark’s wife should give birth, he turns into a person, on the left floor of the clothes and hair of which constantly dripping water, and goes to the village for midwife a grandmother who pays generously for her services.
Once fishermen discovered in the nets of a baby who was behaving strange way: frolic in the water, but in the house became lethargic and apathetic. The kid turned out to be a baby watercraft. Fishermen returned it father with the condition that he will provide them with a rich catch, which was observed.
It is believed that the drowned remains a servant of the water until he finds a replacement, that is, he doesn’t drown anyone. But also then he does not leave the underwater kingdom, but he himself becomes water.
Everyone remembers the story of N. V. Gogol “Viy”. But few people know who he really is. There is a version that he serves Chernobog and is a conductor of his deadly power, and also a jailer for sinners in the underworld, which he personally punishes.
A photo from open sources
He is able to kill with a look, and that is why the eyes of this creatures are constantly covered by heavy centuries. Independently raise forever he can’t, forever demons lifted the servants with the help of a pitchfork. there is The opinion that his name came from the Ukrainian Wii – “eyelashes”. But it is possible that it came from the verb “curl”, as outwardly Viy resembles a plant, his body is covered with clods of earth, ugly roots and skin similar to oak bark.
Some researchers associate this character with a saint. Kasyan, who also had the ability to kill eyes. By legend, Kasyan sees nothing because of heavy long eyelashes, reaching the knees, and only once every four years, February 29, he is allowed to pick them up and look at the world. And that living thing he will look, instantly dying.
Is it because it is believed that a leap year is always accompanied crop failures, hunger, diseases and other misfortunes?
Water Time Birds Russia Fish