Victorian ghost watched from a window behind child

Victorian ghost watched the child from the windowPhoto from open sources

Englishwoman Louise Lenton, who never really believed in supernatural phenomena, at a loss, at the same time having experienced a certain shock when she discovered something strange on recently shot video. The frightened Briton suggests that in the lens of her camera hit a real ghost.

According to our heroine, a few days ago she went with 5-year-old son to an abandoned Oldway mansion built back in the Victorian era so that the boy would ride alongside this old building by bicycle enjoying nature and while absorbing the beauty of the architecture of past centuries. Mother took out a smartphone and captured her son’s entertainment on video.

Looking through subsequently received frames, Louise unexpectedly noticed an old woman in an old-fashioned outfit standing on them by the window and looking, apparently, right on the child! Of course, Lenton was struck by such a find, and the reasons for She had several of this:

  • firstly, our heroine is ready to swear that she did not see in shooting time no strangers, including in the windows historical building;
  • secondly, in the Oldway mansion, as she later with surprise found out there was no one but a lone male guard;
  • thirdly, the mysterious silhouette in the window looks like a phantom from another era, or like an old photo card.

If you look closely, you can even notice that the alleged person from the next world slowly turns after a boy’s head, however this figure, however, does not produce impressions of a living person. Some netizens even felt that she was more like a mechanical doll in human height or revived mannequin …

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