Photos from open sources Since now there is a camera in almost every mobile device, and digital photo does not require expensive and low-frame films, then compared, for example, with the last century, people have become take pictures about a hundred thousand times more.
Naturally, a huge stream of photos suddenly opened for people such a thing as the other world captured in the pictures. Note that sometimes the ghost appeared in old photographs, but these were the rarest cases. This is pretty common today often, according to the logic of things, they should be just a hundred thousand times more.
So, what does the “eye” of the camera see, and not see our vision? We suggest you look at the pictures taken by children’s writers Vargins from Sevastopol. They captured Victoria, which filmed by Alex. He shoots in fast framing mode, with a shift between shots in a few seconds (as much as allowed camera).
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Naturally, Aleksey did not notice anything strange at that moment, and here at home on the monitor when viewing photos he suddenly discovered that a strange figure appeared behind his wife’s back, who is simply not there should be. Of course, twenty meters behind the stone pedestal, on which Victoria stands, just the carriageway, but the figure obviously standing not on the track, but a little closer, then she could not here appear in the two to three seconds that elapsed between these shots. Unless to assume that someone specially jumped sharply into frame…
Considering then the place of this shooting (Ushakovaya beam), writers found just on that section near the road where it was captured on the frame is a strange figure, a pile of stones, clearly artificially folded in the form of a monument, obviously dedicated to someone dead here. This was confirmed by the flowers found a little later by writers in this memorable place for someone. On a pile stones at that moment lay someone brought tulips – four a flower …
A photo from open sources