A photo from open sources
Philadelphia resident who wishes to remain anonymous shared a mystical story with users of the World Wide Web, backed up by a cryptic video. According to the girl, a few days ago, her dog began to bark in the middle of the night the front door, as if someone was behind it.
The American looked out of the window, but did not find on the street nothing suspicious. However, the next morning our the heroine decided for the sake of curiosity to look at yesterday’s video, obtained by a surveillance camera outside her house. What girl I saw my tablet on the screen, surprised her to the core.
The video below disassembles a mysterious white figure, having vague human outlines. Alleged ghost swims past the porch of an American, glides over the path to the house, then, without changing its trajectory, flies somewhere through the bushes. The phantom at the same time oscillates, as if it is unstable in our world, and at some point, it seems, even teleports to a couple of steps to the side.
The Philadelphia is convinced that the most approached her house that night a real native of the subtle world. Girl prays to this the visit did not happen again and most importantly so that the sinister ghost suddenly didn’t go inside her home.
Meanwhile, many users of the World Wide Web have concluded that it was just a defocused nocturnal butterfly crawling across security camera lens. True, a butterfly dog is unlikely began to react in such a strange way …