Woman photographed the ghost of the deceased aunts

A woman photographed the ghost of her late auntPhoto from open sources

38-year-old Englishwoman Rachel Valentine-Taylor from the county Lancashire claims to have photographed aunt’s ghost recently, passed away a few years ago from cancer.

Rachel used Wige’s “talking board” to navigate spiritualistic session and talk with some spirits. One of otherworldly visitors and turned out to be a deceased relative of a woman. Our heroine photographed several times a dark room, and after a couple of weeks I came across the pictures taken and unexpectedly noticed on one of them a guest from the other world.

In the image below, you can see a gray face in bottom right corner. Short hair covered clearly eyes, snub nose, thick lips and large chin of the phantom women. Valentine Taylor was truly amazed when she looked on this photo and saw on her a dead aunt to whom was very attached.

A photo from open sources

The British says: “I was shocked to the core. This the shot is incredibly clear and it really depicts a sister my mother’s! At first I didn’t want to show the photo to my mom so that don’t upset her. It seemed to me that this is a bad sign. But then I considered that it would not harm anyone, and told her mother about to everyone. She was very upset and confirmed that I photographed the ghost of her sister. ”

Rachel reports that her aunt also exchanged a few words with her with the help of a spiritualistic board, however the Englishwoman prefers not dedicate anyone to the details of this intimate conversation. According to Valentine-Taylor, she has a certain gift of communication since childhood with the spirits of dead people and even saw at 13 the ghost of the deceased grandfathers.

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