Photos from open Sources The other day, Argentinean footballer Esekiel Garay playing currently for the Russian Zenit cube, answered questions fans. Having talked about life in St. Petersburg, an athlete reported that he and his wife managed to photograph the real here ghost. Garay shared this information with fans during Radio Zenit airtime.
According to the footballer, he and his wife Tamara Gorro one evening relaxed in their St. Petersburg apartments and had fun fighting on pillows. At some point, the athlete took a picture darling, and behind her was captured the terrifying face of the bard colors. Curious listeners quickly found girls on Instagram the mysterious photograph in question. If well take a closer look, you can really see something on it, resembling an angry human face.
The uninvited spirit, fortunately, noted his presence only on photographs and no longer reminded the spouses about themselves. Snapshot like it turned out was made last summer. Tamara herself a little later reported that she was very scared when she saw a stranger in the photo. At Her husband looked calm and tried to find what was happening. logical explanation. However, once Ezekiel spoke of a ghost during a recent broadcast, it means it still gave the guest from the other world a certain meaning.
Many Internet users, as you would expect, Considered that this is normal interference when shooting in a dark room. However, who knows – suddenly the central defender of the “Zenith” really managed to photograph a real ghost?