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1. Spiritual fast food.
This disease manifests itself when spirituality itself is mixed with a culture for which ambiguity, speed and reception are important immediate gratification. This spiritual fast food arises in the result of a very popular and understandable fantasy that You can get rid of suffering quickly and without much effort. But we must understand that it is impossible to achieve spiritual transformation in a swoop.
2. Fictional spirituality.
Such fake, artificial spirituality manifests itself then, when a person behaves, dresses and talks like he does thinks a spiritual person would do it. This is such a simulation when, for example, a fabric with a leopard coloring imitates real fur pattern.
3. Wrong motivation.
Although the desire for growth in every person is always pure and genuine, unfortunately, it often mixes with lower desires, for example, to be needed and loved, the desire to fill your heart, desire for belonging, the belief that getting up on the spiritual path, we will quickly get rid of suffering. As well as to us our spiritual ambitions often haunt – everyone wants to be special, one and only.
4. Identification with spiritual experience.
This disease occurs when we accept our own ego. for spiritual experience. And then we have confidence that we embody the insight that we had before. Mainly short illness. But for those individuals who consider themselves enlightened and who become spiritual mentors, she delayed for a long time.
5. Spiritualization of the ego.
This happens when a selfish person is deep identifies itself with spiritual concepts and ideas. Eventually a “bulletproof” egoistic structure is born. When we we spiritualize our ego, then we become indifferent to help, constructive feedback or new information. Our spiritual growth stops and we become impenetrable. And all this in order to achieve the so-called spirituality.
6. Spiritual teachers in mass production.
In the world there are some very much advertised spiritual traditions that make people who consider themselves enlightened spiritual personalities, this is far from the case. it looks like a kind of spiritual conveyor: it’s worth adding a little shine and now – you have become enlightened and now ready to enlighten others, and instruct them on the “true path.”
7. Spiritual pride.
This disease appears when a practitioner of spiritual life man after years of hard work really reaches a certain wisdom. But he uses it his achievement as an excuse for the lack of further spiritual practice. Another symptom of this disease is a sense of “spiritual excellence. “It is manifested when a person is confident that he is wiser and better than others, and therefore higher than others, as it goes spiritually.
8. Collective consciousness.
There are other names for this disease – the psychology of a cult, group thinking or ashram disease. It is quite insidious ailment transmitted spiritually, as it is very similar in its symptoms of traditional co-dependence. Participants in such spiritual groups among themselves conclude an unconscious, subtle agreement, regarding how to dress, think, speak and act. Such people and groups that have “caught” this virus, reject other people and other values that go against their unwritten rules.
9. The complex of favorites.
This complex, unfortunately, applies not only to Jews. Here the main thing is the belief that “our group is the most spiritually developed and the most enlightened, or simply put, she’s better than everyone else. ” There is a big enough difference between understanding what a person has found his path, mentor or community and the feeling that he found Togo Only one.
10. A fatal ailment called “I got.”
This ailment is very dangerous because it can be fatal to our spiritual growth. This confidence that we have achieved the goal on your spiritual path. When it takes root in our minds, our spiritual evolution ends forever.