When we hear about various barbaric practices that were commonplace in the life of our ancestors, we tend to look at condemn them and think of them as completely uncivilized and completely wild.
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Most of us are wondering if our ancestors were prone to violent acts, or those who enjoyed seeing bloody gladiatorial battles and condoned cruel medieval practices less developed than modern human.
Does humanity really progress so much or still we remained as bloodthirsty and ruthless, what were you like before?
10. Middle Ages: Witch Hunt
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Women in Papua New Guinea suffered terrible torture with a fiery iron rod, they were closed in rooms full of gas, and burned alive on the mound from car tires in front of hundreds of onlookers, and all in order to expel witches from them.
If gas and car tires weren’t in the “case”, you, probably thought that all this happened in the 16th or 17th century, and not in February 2013.
Sometimes, with their terrible tortures, the barbarians managed to convince even themselves, usually 20 year old victims, that they actually witches.
Papua New Guinea is not the only place where it is still afraid of witches. Several societies in Africa still have regular witch hunts, and these are not just small groups of people.
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For example, the President of the Gambia, Yahya Jammey, which admittedly “a little crazy,” started at 2009 witch hunt campaign, under which local residents were terrorized. Because of this, the country left very many people were even victims.
Other examples: 150-200 women are killed annually in India for witchcraft, and witchcraft in Saudi Arabia is legally punishable and punishable by death.
9. Modern slavery
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In modernized countries, we despise our ancestors who used slavery, but we believe that all these things are past days. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The International Labour Organization believes that in today’s world there are 10 to 30 million slaves, more than at any other moment stories.
Yes, you read it right: there have never been as many slaves as now. Even in the 18th century, at the zenith of the African slave trade, from Africa exported about six million slaves.
Where are all the slaves of today? Almost everywhere. By all over the world, men, women, and children who find themselves in debt slavery participate in sex trafficking, and also used in other forms operation.
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In the United States alone, about 100,000 children engage in sex slavery, and Amounts of human traffic worldwide exceed 32 billion dollars, soon, traffic revenue is projected people will exceed the turnover from the drug trade.
In all countries of the world, human trafficking is a criminal offense. a crime, however, most slaves exist today in Asia, where there are about 12.3 million people involved in forced labor.
They are often not noticed, because they work in plain sight: in restaurants, agriculture, hotels and similar industries. Meanwhile, kidnappers enjoy free labor and keep people intimidated by threats of violence or murder.
8. Trafficking in children
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Of course, selling children goes hand in hand with slavery, but there are something incomprehensible is that parents sell their own blood and flesh into forced slavery followed unimaginable suffering. In such situations, it seems that the power of the dollar is omnipotent …
A photo from open sources
Really shocking is that the internet is full of sites, offering to exchange children for money. They are trying to fool parents, so that the latter think that this is normal.
The sites host photographs of smiling children who look as if they were in a summer camp on vacation, although in fact, many of them work exhaustingly on 18 hours a day.
7. Modern cannibalism
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Apart from isolated cases with psychopaths or with small groups of people who were forced to eat each other to survive, are there still cannibal people for whom Is human eating a part of culture? It turns out that they exist.
Some say they do it, others say no, but if you ask someone from the Korovai tribe about it, then they admit that they are still eating by fellow tribesmen.
Living in Indonesian New Guinea, this tribe There is a long tradition (since prehistoric times) people, and the fact that the tribe was in relative isolation from of the modern world for such a long period of time, allowed this custom to persist.
Today, their most common “human” dish is this is khakhua (medicine man). In this case, first they torment man to death, then they kill him and, first of all, eat him brain. They believe that the “healer” begins to eat people from the inside, and only then, after the discovery of this fact, the tribal members decide eat the “unfortunate”.
A photo from open sources
When journalist Paul Raffaele decided a certain time to live in the Korovai tribe, he openly shared his experiences experience, as he also participated in the process of eating people. Moreover, he dispelled the rumors that human flesh tastes looks like pork. If someone is interested in knowing, then, by the assurance of a journalist, she is more like a taste hen.
Rumor has it that in addition to the Korovai tribe, in remote places other cannibals live in the South Pacific. In 2011 in The media said that the German sailor Stefan Ramin (Stefan Ramin) was eaten by cannibals.
Of course, there was no conclusive evidence. that he was eaten, but the only thing left of him is these are charred and dissected bones, teeth and the remains of clothes that were found by local authorities.
6. Human sacrifices
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The first thing that comes to mind to most people when they hear about human sacrifices, these are groups of ancient people who they threw an innocent victim into the mouth of a volcano. Despite, “Vulcan” deaths were mainly invented by storytellers, human sacrifices have existed and continue still exist.
For example, there is a group of Indians who still practice Sati’s now illegal tradition. Sati is a funeral custom, in the result of which is the widow of a deceased man (voluntarily or after public pressure) rushed to her husband’s coffin and buried alive with him.
Women do this to demonstrate fidelity and devotion to their husbands but in addition to suicide or murder, ill-wishers argue that such a practice perpetuates female submission.
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In 2011, a secretary of the Air Force discovered that in the capital of Uganda, Kampale thrives on child sacrifice, which turned into a very lucrative business. As it appears, rich people paid huge sums of money healers so that they find for them a child whom can be sacrificed.
They believe that this sacrifice will bring them even more. wealth and good health. Practice was so it’s common that there were even signs on the streets, warning parents that children are abducted by healers.
In 2013, Miss Uganda also joined the campaign against child sacrifices, saying that a similar practice “breaks the society.”
5. Public death penalty
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Until the twentieth century, public executions were considered entertainment for all family. But these days, one can hardly say something like that. IN in the western world they practically do not exist, and many countries have introduced complete ban on the death penalty.
But in some places, public executions did not go anywhere, and some countries still use them as a way that supposedly can deter a person from committing crime.
Recently, Iran is best known for this practice. After a huge increase in crime, Iranian authorities decided to open the veil of secrecy of the death penalty (which are calculated hundreds per year) and transfer the entire procedure from the prison walls to Central Park in Tehran to do this in full view.
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And also, like many years ago, people like these spectacles. The death penalty is imposed for such crimes, like homicide, rape, homosexuality, and related drug offenses.
According to Amnesty International, only in China is held much more executions than in Iran. However, accurate data very difficult to receive, because most death sentences carried out behind closed doors and held in a secret.
4. Cruel punishment
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There is one thing that is worse than the public death penalty is death penalty with prior public torture. Yes because how the authorities of some countries are not content with simple murder criminal, they must first make him good to suffer.
One of the most terrible methods is stoning. At people are buried waist-deep in the ground and stoned to death. Moreover, the stones should not be too large and not too small so that the offender does not die after the first hit, otherwise the person who threw such a stone may be also convicted of a crime.
Stoning is now legal in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Iran and parts of Nigeria. Often similar punishment is used for adultery.
However, it is worth noting that stoning is only The tip of the iceberg. In Saudi Arabia, for example, gouging eyes and decapitation still are legal forms of punishment in Nigeria still amputate arm for theft, flogging sticks is a common practice in Singapore.
3. Infanticide
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Infanticide – the intentional killing of babies – is centuries old practice, which is carried out for many reasons, including religious sacrifices, and the inability to care for a child, and cannibalism, and gender choice, and population control.
Most have heard of infanticide in China, which is, in first of all, the result of the policy “one family – one child, “however, hardly anyone is familiar with the fact that There is a legal form of infanticide in the Netherlands.
About ten years ago, euthanasia received legal status in this state, and now parents can use this right, who want to put their sick children to sleep, and disabled children.
Of course, euthanasia is a more humane way. to get rid of the child (if the word “humane” is generally used in this context). The ancient Romans simply left unwanted children on a hillside, leaving them at the full disposal of the wild animals, however, euthanasia still seems to be something extremely regressive.
Euthanasia of a baby to avoid his suffering when death inevitable, this is one thing, but some proponents of this method wish empower parents to get rid of unwanted children. Today, about 8 percent of all infants who die in Holland, go to the other world at the hands of doctors.
2. Female circumcision: why?
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Just the thought of this shocking practice hurts. Indeed, this is a very difficult topic to discuss, but still relevant in the modern world. To avoid the description details, it is worth noting that this practice involves surgical removal of all or part of the external the genitals of a woman.
Similar barbarism is practiced in parts of Africa and in Middle East. Circumcision is cultural and religious practice since 484 BC. It is believed that such mockery of a woman will control her libido.
Rite of female circumcision
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World Health Organization, as well as leaders in everything the world tried to end this terrible tradition by saying that there is no health benefit from this, but on the contrary, circumcision causes a huge amount of lifelong complications.
They also note that there are no religious scripts, which clearly indicate the need to do this with the body of a woman.
1. The feast of blood
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If you put these guys in loincloths and sandals, then for sure you would feel that you were in the Roman arena. On the in fact, this is a group of modern Spaniards who enjoy the holiday when you can torture and kill a bull.
Blood festivals tend to accompany larger the holidays. Moreover, in the framework of such holidays whole cities attracted in order to arrange massacre of large cattle.
By all the rules of the Middle Ages, locals with ease they drop the goat from the bell tower, cover the bull with wax, set fire to it, and then allowed to “walk” through the streets, or simply walking around with him, slowly killing the animal knives and spears.
The killer of the bull even gets the “honor” to carry ears, tail and the genitals of the killed animal, after which he is allowed to eat testicles of a bull. In Spain, from 10 to 20 thousand such blood holidays annually, and this is not the only country where to such cruelty is shown to animals. This “famous” also Portugal, Mexico and Brazil.
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