10 Bigfoot Theories

A photo from open sources

Even if you yourself do not really believe in the existence of snow person, most likely, among your friends there is at least one, who believes. Reports of meetings with these mystical creatures come from different ends of the Earth, they are already observed in for several centuries. To explain where it came from snowmen, how they breed, and how they manage to constantly from to elude us, a number of strange and sometimes completely insane theories. 1. DNA test proved snowy man is a hybrid and partly man … and deserves American citizenship! Last November, a veterinarian from Texas Melba Ketchum said she was able to prove with the help of snowman DNA samples that legendary creatures partially are people. She even demanded that the government recognize them “indigenous people and immediately protect their human and constitutional rights. ” 2. After the eruption of St. Helens in 1980, the government hid burnt corpses of snow human After the terrible eruption of 1980, several witnesses stated that they personally saw how in this area on federal service helicopters load the charred remains of several snow people. Before the eruption, this volcano was rumored to be a place habitat of “ape-like people”, moreover, reports of a meeting with They begin in 1920. There were a lot of such stories. quantity, and the neighboring gorge eventually even renamed “Monkey Canyon.” 3. Yeti – Caveman In 2007 Vancouver resident Robert Wilson spoke about his meeting with the creature that at first mistook the bear: “I rode down and saw something that I can only describe as large, hairy a man who looked like a caveman … with characteristic features of Neanderthals. Big as a bear. “Based on it history, in 2011 it was suggested that “snow man may still not be a giant monkey, but may be one of the surviving species of prehistoric people. ” 4. Bigfoot – an alien Two conspiracy theories on the price of one! In 1973, Pennsylvania UFO researcher Stan Gordon announced that he had noticed an increased number of reports of alleged snowmen seen coming in and out from extraterrestrial spaceships. Fascinated by the idea that mysterious primates may come from another planet, Gordon created the “UFO Yeti” hotline, which works to this day. 5. Yeti – a giant earth sloth Most “experts” believe that Bigfoot is some kind of shaggy primates. And some suggested that these animals are actually – mutated giant sloths. 6. Snow people sometimes copulate with cows in the animal world manifestation sexual interest in another species is not uncommon. Some farmers claim to have witnessed how male bigfoots became intimate with their unfortunate cows. 7. Snowmen are mentioned in the Bible Several modern creationists claim that the giants briefly mentioned in the book Being is actually big feet. 8.10 percent snowy people can be gay Cryptozoologist Lauren Coleman recalls as once “suggested a frivolous assumption that 10 percent of the yeti should probably be gay (as many how much a reasonable person has) “. A few days later he was shocked to find in his email a lot of angry letters condemning him for the assumption “Bigfoot – homosexual”. 9. Snowmen bury their dead One of the most difficult questions for cryptozoologists is: “If they really exist, why don’t we find them then the remains? ” Many believers claim that elusive primates just bury their dead. On the network you can even find list of alleged yeti “graves”. 10. In 1999 caught a living bigfoot In 1999 it was in Battle Mountain (Nevada) there were many fires. One wounded Bigfoot was allegedly discovered and taken away by people from government.

Bigfoot DNA Volcanoes Snow Bears

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