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1. For a long time, scientists were convinced that the male and female brains are different among themselves. It was alleged that hormones were to blame, affecting differently the development and reactions of the brain. As it turned out, the brains of men and women are similar, as proved in 2005 American psychologist relying on a series of studies on gender differences. He found that in 78 percent of cases, gender differences do not affect the behavior and abilities of a person, no matter men or women. 2. It was previously thought that as soon as a person enters adulthood, his brain is almost completely loses the ability to form. It turns out – this is a delusion! A 2007 study debunked this myth. Our brain perfectly adapted and flexible, it can independently repair damaged neurons and form new ones that principle and are responsible for the assimilation of the information received. 3. Accepted consider that during adolescence, adolescents strongly character deteriorates, and this is directly related to whims developing brain. It’s hard for them to make decisions, aggravate bad character traits, extremes appear in behavior and drama. A 2005 study suggested that the multitasking part of the brain is fully mature only to 17 years. And another study proved that maturation nothing to do with the brain. Just teens under 20 are less likely than adults experience a sense of responsibility and guilt, but this is due to the fact that they get the first experiences of communication and “adult” contacts in social environment, that is, they still simply do not have enough experience, hence the frustrations and nervous breakdowns. 4. Three weeks after the conception of the embryo forms the basis for the brain, which will soon time will become the central nervous system of the child. It turns out the neural tube grows and differentiates throughout the first trimester of pregnancy when all other cells are also differentiate into different fabrics needed to create parts body. And only at 24 weeks of pregnancy, magnetic resonance tomography shows several nascent grooves on another smooth surface of the brain. And in the third trimester, about 26th week of pregnancy, grooves and deepening of the brain begin outwardly look fully formed. 5. Blood-brain-related barrier – a system that allows only a few molecules access the brain. The capillaries that feed it closely bound to cells that do not allow large molecules to pass through. However the blood-brain barrier also does not pass and vital medicines. Trying to treat brain tumors, doctors use drugs to open connections between cells, but this way makes the brain temporarily vulnerable to various infections. New a way for drugs to get around the barrier can be specially designed impregnated nanoparticles chemotherapeutic drugs, they can safely cross barrier and get to the tumor tissue. 6. It was previously believed that we use about 10 percent of our mind’s capabilities, but it recently became known that these are just neurons that make up only 10 percent of our brain cells. The remaining 90 percent the brain, which accounts for more than half of its weight, called “glia”, translated from Greek “glue”. Neurologists used to thinking that glia is just a sticky material that holds back neurons together. But, recent studies have shown that they eliminate excess neurotransmitters, providing our brain immune defense and responsible for the function and modulation of synapse growth (synapse connections between neurons). 7. The surface of our brain completely covered with deep grooves and small channels that called convolutions. This surface is the cerebral cortex. brain and home to over 100 billion neurons. So complicated and a winding surface allows our brain to perceive and remember a lot of information. For example, our relatives are primates had much less pronounced brain gyrus, and dolphins have even more pronounced cerebral grooves than modern man. 8. Although the mass of the brain takes only about 2 percent of the total body weight, he uses 20 for his work percent oxygen and more than 25 percent glucose (sugar), circulating in our blood. These energy requirements have caused debate among anthropologists. What exactly contributed to the evolution of growth brain? Many researchers, citing evidence of our hunting distant ancestors suggested that the brain grew as a result of eating meat. While others are convinced that their the size of the brain is due to vegetables and fruits. Also on its size Three other important factors influenced: climate change and ecology, and also social competition. 9. The brain of our ancestors who lived more 5,000 years ago, was 10 percent larger than the brain of modern person. Scientists don’t know why the brain began to shrink, but some believe that this is not a reduction, but more effective development. In addition, the skulls become smaller because ours diets include softer food for the teeth, therefore powerful skulls and jaws we no longer need. Anyway, the size skull and brain are not directly related to intelligence, so no no evidence that the ancients were smarter than we are today. 10. The average adult brain weight is about 1.4 kg About 80 percent of the contents of our skull is the brain, the rest 20: blood, cerebrospinal fluid, clear fluid, and buffering nerve tissue. If you mix all these components, their the volume will be about 1.7 liters, and this will not even be enough, to completely fill a 2 liter bottle.
Translation by Sergey Vasilenkov