A photo from open sources 1. Men hear worse? Men are more likely face hearing loss than women. And they don’t have an additional filter, as many have suggested. They’re just more often involved in noisy professions and this often damages the hearing. 2. Loud music and your ears Music is not harmful to hearing, problems only start when it comes to loud music. Loud music is a problem not only in clubs and pubs, but also in your headphones. By the way, listening to music through headphones increases the number of bacteria is 700 times. 3. Ears are self-cleaning Ears self-cleaning organ. Pores in the ear canal produce earwax, and small hairs called cilia eject it from the ears. Using the headphones improperly may damage the ears. 4. Dangerous decibels The smallest sound you can hear is 0 decibels. Reactive volume the engine is 120 decibels and the shotgun 140 decibels. If you are exposed to 90 decibels or more within 8 hours, it may damage your hearing. All that exceeds 140 decibels, causes immediate damage. 5. Hearing loss – common About three out of five people aged 60 years and above, to one degree or another, face a problem hearing loss. And 40 percent of these people will need auditory apparatus. 6. The sound of the ocean in a shell The sound of a raging ocean, which we hear when we apply a seashell to the ear – this not the ocean, but the sound of blood running through the veins in the ear. 7. Children often suffer from ear infections Water that is in the ear may cause hearing loss. This most often happens in children, and may cause painful ear infection. It is easy to cure, but you cannot ignore. 8. Hearing and balance. Your ears play an important role. the role is to keep you in balance. Next to the snail ear there are three consecutive channels that work as a gyroscope to keep us in balance and give information about where you are in space. So with an ear infection, some people have difficulty with balance. 9. Sports and disfigured auricle Rugby players often observed auricle resembling cauliflower. It happens then when an external ear cartilage that does not contain bones repeatedly is damaged. 10. Child’s hearing. Children are more sensitive. hearing. At birth, the human ear is able to hear the lowest a sound of 20 hertz (which is lower than the lowest sound of a piano) and the highest at 20,000 hertz.