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Each religion of the world has its own stories about miracles – divine events that sometimes go beyond the laws nature. However, the world of science does not stand still and at the moment many “miracles” have a completely scientific explanation. However, and today there are phenomena that science does not explain in power!
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Apocalypse is coming soon In 1981, six children reported that they witnessed the appearance of the Virgin Mary. They claim that receive messages and prophecies from her daily. One of them is a prediction of 10 signs of approaching the end of the world, which are posted on the site – MiracleHunter.com. This site throughout attracts millions of people for many years.
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Turning the Sun into a Disc In 1917, several children stated that the Virgin Mary appeared to them and reported a miracle that due on October 13 of that year. Around noon a thousand people witnessed the transformation of the sun into a spinning disk, which moved along a spiral path towards The earth.
A photo from open sources
The man-made face of the Virgin Mary In 1531 on the territory of Mexico City peasant named Juan Diego claimed to have seen the phenomenon Virgin Mary, which indicated the place where it should be built a church in her honor. Also, Virgin Mary asked him to collect flowers on hillside and wrap them in a raincoat. Later on this coat appeared the miraculous face of the Virgin Mary, which the church called the Virgin Guadeloupe.
A photo from open sources
Blood Magic Legend has it that in one of the cathedrals Naples is the cup with the blood of the holy martyr Januarius. This blood most of the year is dry, but three times in year, in the iconic days of the saint’s life, mysteriously liquefies. A photo from open sources
Levitation In the 1600s, Saint Mystic Joseph of Cupertino went into a trance state and soared over the crowd. Once witnessed his soaring became Pope Urban VIII, and he recognized these flights as official miracle.
A photo open source stigmata throughout Christian history, many people have argued that as a result prayers they had stigmata – injuries similar to injuries Jesus Christ received by him during the crucifixion.
A photo from open sources
Crying statues In 1973 in a small church in Japanese the town began to bleed a statue of the Virgin Mary. This phenomenon recorded local television. The statue cried with bloody tears for several years, and her tears helped heal her sister’s hearing Agness. A photo from open sources
Ghost In 1988, near Cairo, eyewitnesses watched the ghost of a woman who roamed the Coptic roof churches. Numerous viewers are sure that they saw the appearance of the Virgin Mary, and some of them with cameras captured this miracle on photographic film. So far, no one has found evidence that the photos were fake. A photo from open sources
The relics dozens of bodies of saints after physical death do not disintegrate, and turn into relics that not only exude flower smell, but also have healing properties.
A photo from open sources Turin Shroud Turinsky Shroud is one of the most famous relics in history. It is believed that the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped in it after his death, and her face was magically imprinted on her. Is it really so In fact, it is still not clear. However, I want to believe that this is exactly So.
Sergey Vasilenkov
Doomsday sun