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The famous Greek temple in the ancient city of Delphi has the inscription “Know yourself.” However, as Ben Franklin says, easy to say, but hard to do. Knowing yourself is as difficult as chop metal or diamond. We know ourselves daily, but there are things you probably never heard of.
1) Your stomach is much smarter than you think
There are more nerve cells in the human stomach than some animals. These neurons are so complex that the stomach can rightfully be call the “second brain.” While other parts of the body, for example, palms also have a large number of neurons, your the stomach is unique, it can “think” on its own, so you digest food without turning on the brain.
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Are nervous, annoyed, or satisfied without any obvious reasons? Or you can’t concentrate after a hearty dinner? It is likely that this is partially to blame. your stomach, so you shouldn’t turn off the brain after all, when it’s regarding food.
2) You have as much body hair as a chimpanzee
If you look at yourself in the mirror, then most likely think that this is not so if you do not suffer hypertrichosis – increased development of the hairline. However, an ordinary person actually has the same vegetation on the body, how many many other primates.
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Our entire body, like the body of a chimpanzee, is completely covered in hair, which, however, are much thinner and lighter than ours monkey cousins. On every square centimeter of our skin there are 250 to 500 hair follicles.
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Which of the animals can be called the most hairy beast? It turns out that the sea otter boasts much more the number of hairs on the body – about half a million on one square centimeter of skin.
3) You are a miracle
Each person is essentially a miracle of nature. His life starts with a symmetrical ball of cells, then the cells divide, and as a result, all complex organs are formed. How small a ball can turn into a creature with complex eyes, ears, nostrils, let alone much more complex organs? It’s real miracle.
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Human embryo 2-3 days after conception (photo):
4) You are partially a virus
One of the most unexpected decryption project results the human genome was that our DNA has much in common with DNA viruses. Viruses cannot produce offspring on their own, therefore some of them must incorporate their DNA into the host cell for in order to breed.
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If the virus invades the reproductive cell – sperm or the egg, the resulting offspring will carry the DNA of the virus in each your cage. This happened so often during evolution that our genome is at least 9 percent the same as the genome viruses.
5) You cannot tickle yourself
… if you do not suffer from schizophrenia. Tickling is an important part interactions between people, especially between children and their parents. When we grow up, many of us don’t like being tickled, but most people can deal with nerve muscle contractions and don’t laugh when the other person touches them in a specific place in the body.
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However, we cannot tickle ourselves if our brain knows what exactly do we intend to do and what should be expected in the end. Schizophrenics cannot easily recognize to whom exactly belongs touch, so they will laugh if they themselves touch your skin with the tip of a pen.
6) Your body is younger than yourself
You are constantly changing. You inhale, exhale, you eat and go to the toilet. You constantly recruit new molecules and isolate old ones. If you have already passed the ripening stage, probably none your body part has not remained the same, the one that was in childhood.
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This leads to an interesting problem that still causes a lot of controversy among philosophers: if every part of our body changing every day, how do we manage to stay the same man, what at birth?
7) You are partially blind
Unfortunately, your eyes have a mistake in their design: each of them has a blind spot. This blind spot is big enough therefore, it can cause problems for those who lose their sight for one eye.
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Fortunately for us, nature has endowed us with two eyes, therefore their blind spots are invisible.
You cannot count without numbers
If you look at a small group of people, you can, not thinking, answer how many of them, without counting them without exception. Assessing a small amount is easy instinctively.
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The members of the Piraeus tribe do not have numbers in their language, so they do not know how to count, they also can’t estimate how many people are in a small group, even on an instinctive level.
9) You probably don’t have free will
This question has always been controversial: you are free make decisions or your decisions depend on some kind of strength, not subject to you? Each of these answers contains many arguments, but I would like to give one example.
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Dr. Benjamin Libet conducted an experiment. While observing brain patients, Libet asked them to move his hand when they wish. Libet discovered that the brain registered a desire to raise a hand even before a person is fully aware of his desire.
This means that we can often act impulsively on without making a decision at all. That is, many things we do, not having free will as such, and give a logical explanation to actions after they have been completed.
10) Do you have strips
Many mammals have stripes on their bodies: cats often there are noticeable streaks on the body or spots that appear due to the fact that certain cells begin to express different genes, and then transfer the variation to other cells.
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People also have a similar property, but our stripes are usually just invisible. You can notice these stripes on the human body, suffering from a disease called the Blashko line. This the disease affects certain types of cells, while others leave intact.
Viruses DNA Time