Volcanologists admitted that they have not yet seen such eruptions … Kamchatka volcanologists on the eruption of the flat volcano Tolbachik workshop admitted: the champion in terms of flow power became Kizimen volcano in Kronotsky reserve, the first in intensity eruptions and suddenness of its beginning – Tolbachik in a nature park “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”. Photo from open sources “This year Kamchatka volcanologists observe two unique eruptions. Over the past summer volcano Kizimen, the length of the viscous lava flow from the vent of which has reached 3.5 km, increased its power to 260 m. For clarity, I can say that the thickness of the solidifying lava flow is more than three times the height of the Nikolskaya hill in the center Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This has not been observed in history. volcanic research in Kamchatka “, – said the senior scientific Researcher, IVIS FEB RAS, member of the Scientific and Technical Council of Kronotsky nature reserve Sergey Samoilenko. According to him, the new crack Tolbachinsky eruption “striking with speed and length lava flows. In terms of lava consumption, it is four times higher eruption of the Northern breakthrough of the Great Fissure Tolbachinsky eruptions and ten times – the southern breakthrough of the same famous eruptions. The area of lava fields that poured in the early days eruptions comparable to the area of the city of Yelizovo. “” Opportunity watch in Kamchatka the eruption of the “Hawaiian type” when liquid basaltic lava flows rapidly, gushing on hundreds of meters, it’s not every ten years, ” Kronotsky reserve. FROM THE DOSSIER “KP” In 2012, all at once will all volcanoes wake up? Recently here are researchers from Universities of Sydney, Bergen and Hawaii notified the world that discovered a strange pulse of the bowels. It turned out: in the history of our planet there were periods when almost all volcanoes at once erupted her. And hell came. Volcanologists glanced into the wild past of our planet for several tens of millions of years. Checked all her hot spots – from the Hawaiian Islands to the Kuril Islands, from Iceland to North America with its supervolcanoes in Yellowstone. Global eruptions began 10, 22, 30, 40, 49 and 60 million years ago. That is, approximately every 10 million years. And between them was restless: volcanic activity increased strongly 4, 15, 34, 45 and 65 million years ago. Secondary Duration was 5 million years old. It was just the dinosaurs that got into it, who finished their era 65 million years ago. And we still face a more powerful disaster – from the first row. After all, 10 million years then whether it’s already passed, or about to pass. Maybe hour X in 2012 and comes … Humanity does not seem to calm down until it passes the notorious date on which the Maya Indians allegedly scheduled an end of light FROM THE FIFTH SUN TO SIXTH Numerous enlighteners (and “KP” including) are tired of explaining already: the Mayans did not prophesy the end light on your calendar. And the calendar itself does not break off at all 21 December 2012, as some think. This day will end just another Great cycle lasting 5126 years. Or Fifth The sun, in the terminology and beliefs of the ancient Indians. And will begin Sixth Sun. No, people do not believe. And wait at the indicated time some cataclysm that will destroy life on Earth. And scientists, maybe they themselves unwillingly regularly provoke fears. Recently here are researchers from the universities of Sydney, Bergen and Hawaii notified the world that they discovered a strange pulse of the bowels. It turned out: there were periods in the history of our planet when at once almost all the volcanoes erupted on it. And hell came. The end of the world for creatures that then lived on Earth. Although someone survived. And life, albeit in a different form, but continued. What to eat the confirmation. On the one hand: dinosaur bones – those who inhabited to one of the massive eruptions. On the other: a variety of animals, including us. That is, those who began to live after – in anticipation next cataclysm. PULSE OF THE EARTH Volcanologists glanced at the wild past of our planet for several tens of millions of years. Checked all her hot spots – from Hawaii to Kuril Islands, from Iceland to North America with its supervolcanoes in Yellowstone Global eruptions began on 10, 22, 30, 40, 49 and 60 million years ago. That is, approximately every 10 million years. AND between them was restless: volcanic activity is strong increased 4, 15, 34, 45 and 65 million years ago. Duration the secondary period was 5 million years. It’s just in him hit the dinosaurs who completed their era 65 million years back. And we are facing an even more powerful disaster – from the first row. After all, 10 million years have either passed, or are about to pass. Maybe hour X in 2012 will come. Of course there competing theory. And according to her, the asteroid killed the dinosaurs. But opponents of a “strike from space” cite earlier events. For example, those that occurred 200 million years ago. Then the end of the world came for archosaurs – predecessors and dinosaur competitors. And they were definitely destroyed by volcanoes, lava from which flooded vast spaces in the territory of modern Siberia and India. Together with archosaurs, more than 60 percent disappeared from Earth plants. Scientists do not yet know the cause of synchronous eruptions. Has become they cannot be predicted. But the fact that danger exists is not exclude. Moreover, indicate its potential sources. MARS’S WAY EXAMPLE Mount St. Helena is an active volcano. Located in the west of the USA. Last activity was registered in 2004. But beyond hot gas emissions and the couple didn’t go. And in 1980, a strong eruption killed 57 people, several cities were covered with a thick layer of ash. Yet then – in 1980 – scientists probed the bowels in the area of the volcano. And found at a depth of 15 kilometers strange and very vast current-conducting structures. They suggested that these are cavities with water. AND calmed down. But recent studies have shown that there is something wrong to get excited, and to panic. Graham Hill of New Zealand Institute for Earth and Nuclear Research conducted new sounding using more advanced equipment. AND discovered: no water there. Under Mount St. Helena are huge cavities of molten rock that stretch into one side by 50 kilometers, the other – by 70. And with a relatively narrow the channel that now goes from the bowels to the volcano is still connected some. It is possible that the system extends to the covered lava of Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho), where the largest, but extinct volcano is located continent – the so-called Yellowstone Caldera. And more small brothers. If all channels work at once, then appears a monstrous vent with a diameter of several tens of kilometers. AND eruption of unprecedented power will erupt. – It seems like a similar disaster once occurred on Mars, Hill scares. – Now here is the largest volcano in the solar system – Olympus Mons. The height of a Martian monster is 27 kilometers – three times more than Everest, diameter – 550 kilometers. A little further – still three impressive volcanoes: Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons and Ascraeus Mons, which, most likely, are also connected into a single system. While working Together, they could very much harm the planet. Up to destruction of her life. Anxious But Giant Volcanoes on Mars located at about the same latitude as the candidates for supervolcanoes on the ground. And it seems to be located relative to each other. Caught up Fear and the Geological Society of London. Eruption of two it predicted supervolcanoes in Europe: in the Phlegrean fields near Naples and next to the island of Kos in the Mediterranean Sea. Researchers have recorded in hazardous areas Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan, Kamchatka, Central America. Like, the bowels of each of them hide giant tanks of magma. One miserable volcano in Iceland with an unpronounceable name, I remember, was almost paralyzed the entire human civilization. And what will happen if the bowels open at once? How are scientists threatened? It’s scary to even think. ANOTHER OPINION Earth needs disasters – About synchronous eruptions in the current overpopulated world it is better not to think at all – says Dr. Donald DePaolo of the University of California. -It will happen – it will happen. But not the fact that in the next million years. A smaller cataclysms do not threaten the full end of the world. They even useful globally. Because they regulate environmental conditions habitat. And most importantly, the temperature. The whole point, according to geochemists, is carbon dioxide cycle from which the greenhouse effect and the atmosphere heats up. It seems to be in his billions of years should have accumulated so much that you can get burned. However not burned. Because showers, hurricanes turn it into liquid carbon dioxide. It reacts with minerals, forms limestone, which are washed off into the oceans and deposited at the bottom. Thus carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. Further due to movement tectonic plates sedimentary rocks penetrate into the bowels, where melted. Carbon dioxide is released and again “injected” into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions. – If volcanoes stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, says DePaolo – The Earth will turn into a frozen snowball. How to be to people? The main thing is not to overdo it in terms of saturation of the atmosphere carbon dioxide. Otherwise, the Earth will continue to seize carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. And it threatens with powerful hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. Svetlana Kuzina and Vladimir Lagovsky
Water Time Volcanoes Dinosaurs Life Iceland Kamchatka End of the World Mars Sun USA Mayan Civilization