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Experts are sure that products with antioxidants and omega-3s (fatty acids) can significantly improve brain functions, including memory.
Six products are presented to your attention, which, according to scientists can heal our gray matter.
It is probably no coincidence that these nuts even look like reduced model of our brain. Perhaps in this way mother nature is trying tell us that walnuts are very healthy our gray matter. Researchers conducting experiments on old rats found that signs of brain aging them test subjects reversed once food was added to the diet nuts. Other researchers who fed nut mice with the disease Alzheimer’s also concluded that this supplement improves memory and coordination of the subjects.
It turns out carrots are useful not only for vision, but also for brain, because it contains a high level of connection under called luteolin. According to research, this compound is capable of not only restore memory in people aged, but also treat inflammatory processes of the brain. For example, in experimental mice in whose 20 milligrams of luteolin was added to the daily diet, not only memory recovered, but also decreased significantly inflammatory processes of the brain.
If you want to improve memory, add to your diet berries such as strawberries and blueberries. The fact is that antioxidants, which are contained in these wonderful berries, not only rejuvenate the brain, but also able to overcome depression. In one study it is said that after 12 weeks of daily intake of juice blueberries and strawberries nine seniors experiencing some memory problems showed remarkable results, unlike similar to a group of older people who did not take these additives.
Recent studies have shown that eating fish with high in vitamin B12 and omega-3s can slow down cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease, as well as age-related changes in the brain. As it turned out, in people over 65, eating fish dishes twice a week, observed positive dynamics of memory recovery and other functions brain.
Coffee and tea
It turns out that coffee and tea are not only tonic drinks, but also Alzheimer’s disease prevention agent. Experiments conducted on mice showed that caffeine not only inhibits the development of this disease, but can also prevent its development. Tea in turn has a strong protective effect on the brain, improving memory and information processing.
The green leaves of this vegetable are saturated with vitamins C and E, which, judging by the results of various studies, improve cognitive abilities. Nerve tissue of the brain of rats whose diet was supplemented with vitamin E, over eight months increased from 500 to 900 % In addition, the amount of hormone in their blood increased. “pleasure” is dopamine. This substance controls the flow. information for various parts of the brain.