A photo from open sources
The six most mysterious and mysterious creatures of our planet, still unknown to science. Bigfoot (Bigfoot)
A photo from open sources Yeti is believed to be ape-like hairy creature. The Snowman legend is leaving deep into the ages. Indigenous people in whose territory supposedly inhabited by yeti, describes this creature as huge half-human half-monkey wandering through the forest. The scientific the credibility of the snowman’s existence suffers from various sort of hoaxes, starting with fake casts of giant legs, ending with fake photos and videos. For example, in 2008 there were allegedly found the “body” of a snowman, however, in fact it is It turned out to be an artificial composition of fur and rubber. Specialists calculated that if a yeti actually exists, then his body weight should reach 200 kilograms, and growth approximately equal 3 meters. No matter if the yeti actually exists, there is no doubt about its popularity among people who believe into the existence of a bigfoot. Lake demon
A photo from open sources Legend of the existence of a lake demon (Ogopogo), first appeared in Native American folklore. Ogopogo House located on the bottom of Okanagan Lake, which is located on British Columbia (Canada). The lake itself is huge and very deep, almost 53 km in length and 2860 meters at its deepest point. By descriptions of eyewitnesses, the demon of the lake resembles a huge snake with its head either a goat, or a horse, or a lizard ,. Eyewitnesses also claim that Ogopogo can be observed at least six times a year. However, based on the fact that the lake is large enough and deep, prove or to refute the existence of a demon to scientists so far is not within the power. Nessie
Photos from open sources
It turns out that the Scottish lake Loch Ness is very large – 12 km in length and more than 230 meters in depth. Therefore, despite the evidence eyewitnesses dated to the 6th century, and flying around the whole world photo of a monster (1933), scientists have not yet presented any evidence of the existence of this monster. Even today, despite numerous sonars and other means of modern science, strong evidence for the existence of nessie specialists cannot present. Nessie – one of the most famous mystical monsters, which many witnesses allegedly observed throughout several decades. This creature is often described as a monster, having a long snakelike body with flippers and a camel head. Several creatures discovered by scientists can really seem to a simple person like a monster. However most of these finds were actually huge unusual fish. Cuddy
A photo from open sources For a long time it was believed that the fact confirming the existence of Cuddy (a huge sea snake), his remains were discovered in 1937 in the stomach of a whale. However, all received samples and photos of this monster were lost, therefore appreciate the credibility of Cuddy’s existence today the moment is simply impossible. The only reliable place its habitat is Cadborough Bay off the coast of British Columbia. The Elusive Champlain
A photo from open sources
Legend has it that the first sightings of this monster date back to the Indian tribes. The most massive observations of the giant serpentine creatures were recorded in the 19th century. For today the day of these observations did not become smaller, on the contrary, many eyewitnesses claim to have seen this monster in person. Disputes scientists how much the real existence of this monster continues to this day. “Second Nessie”
A photo from open sources According to eyewitnesses, this monster fish can feel free to claim a place in the top of the most mysterious creatures on our planet. Exciting public imagination appeared on the Internet in 2009. They were shot by an eyewitness, fishing on one of the lakes of Alaska. In the pictures taken monster, clearly visible creature, very reminiscent of Nessie.
Yeti Snakes Loch Ness Monster Fish Monsters