666 and 999: “whoever has the mind, count the number”

666 and 999:A photo from open sources

The satanic symbol 666 comes from the Bible. In revelation John chap. 13, Art. 18 we read: “Here is wisdom. Whoever has the mind is consider the number of the beast, for it is a human number; its number six hundred sixty six. “Commentators do not have a single interpretation of a regarding who is meant in this riddle. But almost everything agree that the so-called “gematria” can be a mechanism by which you can try to unravel this riddle. Gematria is an ancient method, according to to which numeric and literal meanings are related for understanding the hidden meaning of the word. Gematria is based on how classical Greek and Hebrew did not have special numeric notation, but instead used in a symbolic the meaning of the letter. Following this principle, the first letter of the alphabet corresponds to the numerical value “one”, the second letter to the numerical meaning two, and so on. In this regard, each word in both languages ​​can be read as a group of numbers. If you continue to count amount, we get a number that matches the word. IN In the case of names, we get the so-called “human number”. These numbers were used in cases where direct nomination (naming) was not convenient or seemed dangerous. The inscription found in the city of Pompeii is convincing an example. This inscription reads (translated from Greek): “I love the one whose number is 545. “In this way, beloved could to know that this inscription was addressed to her, but for other people it it remained hidden, in particular, which of the numerous Greek girls specifically meant. The assumption is made what about the biblical human number in Revelation 13.18 should do the same. The author probably did not want the name opened to strangers, so he hid it. At the same time, to the Christian brothers, the name that was behind the numbers, opened without difficulty. But already in the second century, St. Irenaeus admitted that he does not know what kind of person is meant by by this number. He suggested three solutions, of which not one, in in the light of today’s research, is not completely satisfactory. Throughout history, numerous more or less satisfactory solutions. Historians rush to help Among others mentioned were the Pope, John Knox, Martin Luther and Napoleon, who were assigned the number of the beast 666. In during World War II, someone gave birth to the idea that if we starting with the letter “a” and taking it for “100” read the digital value, that is, in this case, “6” will correspond to the number “101” and so on, the total sum of Hitler’s name will also be 666. But of all these solutions, one seems the most likely: if we write the name Caesar Nero (this is the Greek form of the name of Him) in Hebrew letters, the numerical value of this word is 666. Moreover, this assumption is well supported by the fact that one of the most authoritative biblical manuscripts under the code “C” (this Ephraim, fifth century) gives instead of the number 666 the number 616, since this number corresponds to the Latin form of the name Nero. In such in case both versions correspond to the numerical value of his name, and therefore, the beast in the text stands for one of the most cruel persecutors of the Church. In this case, however, not so It is important to decide which of the clues to this riddle is correct. Gematria itself later developed in numerous numbers and numbers oriented types of magic. Already Ancient Greek temples were built in accordance with some hematric relationship. Later, a variety of but gemmatically based ideas. For example, not only words with the same amount were calculated and used for philosophical conclusions, but also the messages of the Spirit were compared with digital values ​​of their names and double-checked by keywords their messages. Paranoia around code in recent years some fundamentalist and charismatic groups are trying to ascertain the approach of the threatening domination of the Antichrist by the fact that everything goods are now provided with a barcode. They are in the barcode itself discover the number 666 and give it a connection with the cited passage of Revelation of John. Each group of lines in the code stands instead some numbers. Two thin lines correspond to the number 6. How as if by chance the entire code is divided by three double lines, which very reminiscent of two thin lines corresponding to the six. By the whole code is divided into three sections. From this such religious groups conclude that three double lines in markings by the scanner, in fact, are the number of the beast, and the use of a barcode is not accidental, but embodies the implementation of what is said in the passage from Revelation saying that no one can buy or sell if he does not have a number the beast. Of course, one could immediately reject this statement as religious fanaticism. But let’s try to check if such an interpretation of good reason? For this we will have to back to the way the Greeks and Jews wrote numbers and numbers. Greeks and Jews used the decimal system, but they used it differently than we do, because neither one nor the other there was no “zero” value. Even though it was a decimal system, it lacked the position now occupied by zero. Therefore, to operate the decimal system, they needed more characters than we are today in a system where there are nine characters for digits plus zero. For numbers up to our 999 they needed twenty seven different characters, namely nine characters for simple digits from 1 to 9, nine for tens – from 10 to 100 and another nine – for hundreds – from 100 to 900. Because they didn’t have zero, they couldn’t like us write tens and hundreds with the same symbols, and increase them significance by adding zero and thereby changing the position character inside the number. This means that they could not use the same symbol, for example, to indicate three, thirty and three hundred. Based on this, when writing the number 666 absolutely impossible triple repetition of the six, but they should have use different letters, of which the first signified six hundred, the second sixty, and the third six. Based on this we conclude that any speculation based on triple repetition of six, is correlated with modern writing today and has nothing to do with the actual biblical number.


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