7 main secrets of the Pentagon

7 main secrets of the PentagonA photo from open sources

January 15, 1943 in Arlington, near Washington, The construction of the US Department of Defense office was completed. Perhaps on Earth today we will not find another building capable of compete in “mystery” with the Pentagon. It’s all about form …

Feng Shui, or the coveted place

A photo from open sources

“In the dark-dark forest stood a dark stronghold …” Maybe years in two or three hundred, the “terrible story” about powerful US military. True, there’s no forest It was. But there was a cemetery and swamps …

Somewhere in the 1940s, the American administration arose crazy idea – place the entire US Department of Defense in one the building. And this is no less than 26 thousand employees scattered in 17 separate buildings in the District of Columbia. Moreover, according to terms of reference, in the future stronghold should have been comfortable 40,000 people sit at the same time! In Europe revolutions World War II to which the Americans could join at any time, but here is such an idea! Illogical somehow it turns out – all the key military commanders under one roof. Even Coca-Cola top managers who know the soda recipe do not fly in one plane. However, architects immediately after the go-ahead President began to look for territory for the construction of the citadel. IN Arlington, a suburb of Washington, they chose one place, which was once expropriated. They would surely be envied Feng Shui masters. Most bribed by the fact that the plot of land was outlined by five roads, some of them intersecting under angle of 108 degrees. Most, of course, it could do little. say, but the architects are strong in geometry, and they knew very well that the lines converge at such a degree equilateral pentagon, which the ancient Greeks nicknamed the “Pentagon.”

For us it will remain a mystery that was primary – a place, which the projectors discovered, or a project for which specifically and picked up the territory. It must be said that the place was decent boggy, and very close to it was the famous Arlington Cemetery, where American soldiers were buried – not the best place to build. Feng Shui masters would hardly approve but the US president probably knew more than Chinese geomancers – land under construction was agreed. The only one, Roosevelt ordered – at the request of the spouse – to move somewhat, to the floor miles, the future building so that it does not block the view from Arlington Cemetery on Washington.

Golden ratio

A photo from open sources

As you know, at the entrance to the Academy of the philosopher Plato hung a motto “Do not let the geometer go.” Today we can confidently say that the authors of the building of the American department would be welcomed moody platonists.

Few know that the Pentagon is still the most optimal in ergonomics. The building is intersected by ten corridors along to the center, which connect the five pentagons going from the center. So, an employee of the US military may fall into any point of the building along the perimeter, spending on it no more than seven minutes.

A photo from open sources

Natural ergonomics is associated with the properties of the most geometric figures. So, the diagonals of the pentagon form a pentagram, and the points the intersections of the diagonals in the regular pentagon are always points of the “golden section”. In doing so they form another the pentagon, which when carrying out diagonals will certainly form one. And so on ad infinitum. So the pentagon seems to be consists of an infinite number of pentagons that are formed intersection points of diagonals. This infinite repeatability of one and the same geometric figure creates a sense of rhythm and harmony, which is unconsciously fixed by our mind.

The center of the world

A photo from open sources

However, it was probably not only the ergonomic benefits that prompted US military to choose the right figure pentagon. The symbolism itself played an important role. We will turn again to Plato. The famous philosopher called the most perfect geometric body dodecahedron – dodecahedron composed of twelve pentagons. Plato claimed that it was his “God used to plan the universe as a model. ”

In 2003, when analyzing data from the WMAP spacecraft, launched by NASA, it has been hypothesized that the universe is a dodecahedral Poincare space. By simulation data, the observation results indicated that the universe is a collection of infinitely repeating dodecahedrons – regular polyhedrons, surface which is formed by 12 pentagons.

Pentagon horoscope

Many experts in astrology have argued that with The construction of the Pentagon was not without consultation of astrologers. The construction was planned to begin on September 11, 1941 and finish January 15, 1943. Curiously, the deadlines were met builders, they say, second per second, which in itself an exceptional case – especially for wartime. Astrologers noticed in the start and end dates of construction a certain “star” pattern. Their attention was turned to the “planet of war” – To Mars. Construction began when this celestial body was in its sign is Aries, and it ended when Mars was in its exaltation (maximum strength) – Scorpio. Curious that after the commissioning of the Pentagon the US army only successful military operations in World War II.

Three September 11

A photo from open sources

This date mysteriously accompanies the Pentagon. On this day in 1941, the construction of the building began, in 2001 the Pentagon was attacked by a Boeing, and on September 11, 2002 the whole territory The Pentagon is back in operation. One of the main improvements was a complete update of the building windows with replacement them on armored. The external walls of the building were reinforced and made explosion proof. The elevators leading to the metro station were closed and significantly increased overall security measures.

Conspirologists are trying to look for patterns in this coincidence, however, no one has yet discovered the riddle of the September 11 factor managed. Curious that some hotheads keen on puzzles of the Pentagon, predict that in the “biography” of the object should to happen two more September 11th – to symbolically end regular pentagon.

Was there a Boeing?

A photo from open sources

But the main mystery, at least in the possession of public, it’s a terrorist attack on the Pentagon’s building, committed on September 11, 2001. According to official figures, this day, at 9:37:46, the left wing of the American military building departments rammed a Boeing 757-200. This wing is located command of the naval forces. Part of the building collapsed and was seriously damaged. Curiously, at the moment of impact it was this wing The Pentagon was undergoing redevelopment, and most employees from He was transferred to other offices. Almost immediately after the attack there were dozens of comments claiming that no plane in The Pentagon did not crash. According to the doubters, the damage buildings are minimal after an attack of an aircraft weighing 100 tons, moving at a speed of at least 300 km per hour. “At the site before the wall not only has no debris, but there are no burning marks on the grass from a huge amount of burning fuel from (presumably) destroyed tanks of the aircraft, “experts write. In addition, after any plane crash, even the worst, is always recognizable the remains of the parts of the fuselage. In the case of the Pentagon, according to official information, all Boeing remnants melted at fire that has arisen. Miraculously, only the black box survived, the records of which argued that the board was captured by terrorists.

Some analysts have suggested that the nature of the destruction The Pentagon is more consistent with the attack of the Tomahawk cruise missile warheads that do not have a warhead (explosives) – an aircraft ram almost full tanks, they say, should have been almost completely destroy the pentagon. However, employees of the department did not comment on the opinions of amateurs. What can people know, even explosives experts on supernatural properties geometric figure of an equilateral pentagon? “Not a geometer, yes will not go in! “And then, as these doubters can explain, where did the passengers of the plane, which supposedly didn’t crash?

Entertaining Arithmetic

A photo from open sources

While the Pentagon is boiling in the closed space of the infinite the number of internal pentagons, pentagrams, “spiced” with gold sections, people outside are trying in vain to solve their riddles. Sometimes unsatisfied with official U.S. military information have to be content with cunning numerological calculations, which give entertaining results. So, the Pentagon was built in 491 days. If, according to the Pythagorean method, add these numbers (4 + 9 + 1), then we get – 5 (the number of sides of the pentagon). If we go further, according to the same method of Pythagoras, and decide to multiply the numbers (4X9X1), then we get – 36. If we don’t calm down on this number, count the sum of all integers from 1 to 36, it turns out – 666. Conspirologists argue that it is for this number that builders worked day and night, so as not to fill up the deadlines. But so it is possible to what anything to agree.

By the way, the pentagon with the pentagram enclosed in it was a symbol the famous Pythagorean mystical union founded ancient Greek thinker. So, the Pythagoreans believed that their the emblem not only symbolizes the harmony of the universe, but is also capable of have a harmonious effect on the environment. The boundaries of the impact, of course, depend on the size of the correct pentagon. So, the perimeter of an Arlington geometric figure is about 1405 meters – this is enough today to to influence the whole world.

Alexey Pleshanov

Astrologers War Universe Mars Fires Aircraft USA

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