A bright angel appeared in the rays of the searchlights

A bright angel appeared in the rays of the searchlightsPhotos from open sources of

U.S. Government Festivity Celebration the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack the wrecked World Trade Center of thousands of Americans who watched with admiration, as in the rays of numerous spotlights visually repeated the contours of the twin towers.

Naturally, many filmed this amazing in its beauty and significance to the Americans action. Among those was the photographer Rich McCormack, who came on holiday, like many others, to to honor the memory of innocent people who died here. However an independent photographer managed to shoot something more that day, than just a beautiful and effective holiday.

A photo from open sources

In some pictures that he did that evening, Rich McCormack noticed a strange figure, or a bright angel (see photo), then whether it was, as he himself believes, a manifestation of the messiah. On the web, where were laid out these unique pictures, what happened caused stormy comments and disputes. Some congratulated Rich McCormack on the fact that he was given to film the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (God Himself directed his camera), others saw in this a sign not of the messiah, but some kind of devilish power, that is, the appearance of not dark, but dark angels, the third ones completely refused the artist the truth, suspecting him in good command of Photoshop.

However, judge for yourself …

A photo from open sources


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