A cave that has its own jungle, a river and even clouds

A cave that has its own jungle, river and even cloudsA photo From open sources, Shondong is the largest cave on Earth. She located in Central Vietnam, namely in the national park Fongnia Kebang, Quangbin Province. Unique upper cavity the earth’s crust formed many millions of years in the process of leaching limestone waters.

A photo from open sources

The size of the cave will astonish to open the mouth of the most sophisticated cavers. Its height is more than two hundred meters, width exceeds one and a half hundred meters, and the length is estimated at not less than five kilometers. The total volume of this amazing erosive education totals about forty million cubic meters.

A photo from open sources

The entrance to the cave, lying in the heart of the jungle, was the first time found by a local resident Ho Han twenty-four years ago. The frantic roar of the water stream, coming from inside, frightened the man, and he did not dare to go downstairs and explore the find. Only in 2009, a group of Britons led by Professor Howard Limbert successfully entered Shondong and studied it, after which officially announced that they had visited the largest cave of our planet.

A photo from open sources

The name of the object is translated from Vietnamese as “mountain cave rivers. “There really flows a real river with a swift the current, which in the season of heavy rains becomes truly huge scale. In addition, Shondong has its own jungle. with three-meter trees, its own climate and, believe it or not, real clouds due to significant differences temperature. Two huge windows on the arch allow penetration into cave of light and air … Looking at this miracle of the Light, at once the mind comes the fabulous story “The Seven Underground Kings” by Alexander Volkova.

A photo from open sources

Shondong became famous not only for record sizes, but also various sights. Here you will find fancy ancient fossils, stalagmites more than seventy meters high, garden with cacti and much more. The flora and fauna of Shongdong too are unique. Scientists still find new species of animals in the cave. Here live, for example, flying foxes, hornbills and earlier unknown to science monkeys.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the secret caves of Huashan Mountain. The sight is not for the faint of heart.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources


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