A Chinese man lived for 30 years with a huge worm in the head

A Chinese man lived for 30 years with a huge worm in his head.Photo from open sources

In China (Jiangxi Province), doctors got men out of the brain ten centimeter worm. AsiaOne reported.

A man of 30 years suffered from severe headaches and without any success tried to find out their cause. His health continued get worse.

According to a 58-year-old patient, in 1989 he during a game in cards suddenly felt bad: arms and legs started shake, and foam came out of my mouth. Local doctors diagnosed men epilepsy by prescribing appropriate treatment.

Taking the prescribed drugs did not give positive results, the attacks continued, and the headache did not go anywhere. The man hoped that sooner or later everything would pass, and he would recover.

In 2015, the village where the man lived was caught in a fire, and he, trying to put out the fire, he again experienced an attack of epilepsy. After Of frequent complaints, the doctors decided to appoint a procedure for the sufferer MRI and at the same time check the blood. What was the surprise of the doctors, when they discovered a huge parasite in his head. Surgeons promptly operated on the patient and removed a ten-centimeter the worm.

Doctors believe that the parasite most likely entered the body men when he drank raw water from a natural spring. From here conclusion – be sure to boil water before drinking it.

Andrey Vetrov


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