A dangerous virus that turns computer to bitcoin generator

A dangerous virus has come into the network that turns a computer into a Bitcoin generator.A photo from open sources

Specialists warn of a new dangerous computer the virus. Antivirus developers have discovered a new type of virus, which, after infecting a computer, turns it into a generator Bitcoin cryptocurrencies. Malicious program called Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Linkup or short for Linkup. To the process Bitcoin ‘mining’ infected computer starts spending resources computer “slowing down” his work. By the mechanism of its work Linkup, is a trojan and enters the victim’s computer under the guise of a harmless program that you must run yourself. The virus may disguise itself as an update or a new program, archive or any other executive file. After launch, Linkup replicates itself many times and spreads throughout the system and starts to generate bitcoin. The generation process is very resource-intensive, so the user observes the “brakes” in operation computer, up to a complete loss of its performance. On the At the moment, frequent cases of computer infection with using another virus, the so-called “locker”, which serves Distributor Linkup. This “locker” takes control of Internet access and an attempt to go to any page leads to fake site. This false website contains a “charge” of viewing prohibited content and demanding to pay a “fine”, why the user must enter his credit card number. IN addition to blocked internet, stolen data about credit card, the virus also installs Linkup. Concerning, experts recommend not running programs, archives and others files that are received from doubtful persons or cause suspicions.


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