A few words about the RITA Law

A few words about the RITA LawPhotos from open sources of

Today, few people remember (want to remember) that before Christianity, which brought to the ancient Slavs, glorified by their spirituality and a high level of social development, only the degradation of the soul and bodies, our ancestors strictly observed the so-called RITA Law, which allowed to give birth to healthy children and raise a decent – strong and bright generation.

So, according to the RITA Law, the first man of the Slav must be father of her children. Only in this case could one hope for healthy offspring in every way. And although modern youth it may seem like a relic of the past, everything is much more complicated.

A photo from open sources

The fact is that today it has already been proved by science that energy the first male is somehow fixed in the genes of the female and then transmitted to future offspring. In this case, you can protect yourself only from an unwanted pregnancy, but not from an energy imprint of the first man, imprint that lasts a lifetime women and affects her offspring received from other men. Here why light-skinned parents sometimes have negatives, and Blacks, on the contrary, are white children, and so on.

The principle of telegonia and the RITA Law

But if the doctrine of telegonia only explains why there are such, sometimes undesirable, surprises with the birth of a child, then the Law RITA warns that if the second child becomes the father of the woman’s children, third, fourth man, all previous energy images (especially the first, the most fatal) overlap each other, and all this ultimately creates serious deformations and, as a rule, leads to negative consequences: such offspring will in any case flawed either mentally or physically, and certainly – in spiritual! Such children, even if they appear to be intelligent and physically well developed, will still possess others negative qualities, say, excessive selfishness, lack of single-mindedness, incomprehensible malice for the whole world, criminal inclinations, unwillingness to live, and so on.

A photo from open sources

It is no coincidence that in ancient Slavic society such a woman (slept with a random man and did not give birth to children from him) expelled from the Family – this was required by the RITA Law. The most interesting thing is that the same law was not so severe for married women who had already children and suddenly noticed in the “campaigns to the left” without continuing offspring. In this case, the woman, according to the Law, only harmed to yourself, to your physical and, most importantly, spiritual health, however, this no longer affected the health of the new generation, and therefore, the elders of the Sort often closed their eyes to that. By the way, such the rules were established for many other nations, which speaks of universality of the Slavic Law RITA for harmonious development human society.

As for the male half, the Law was not so much to them severe because the change of partner did not affect health children born. However, there were some limitations. According to them the man gave the woman all his strength for a year, and therefore if he is in during this period entered into sexual relations with another woman, then healthy children could not be born to her from him. And therefore, men could be severely punished for being frivolous, although primary care and responsibility for a healthy generation, according RITA law, still fell on a woman.

The concept of hierarchy in the light of the RITA Law

From the modern point of view, especially atheistic, all this may seem unfair to the fair sex, but here it must be understood that the ancient Slavs knew about the structure of the world and The universe as a whole is much larger than modern people, and therefore well understood that each person comes to earth with his task. And his individual path was simply unthinkable compare with the fate of another person, hence the rest of life ancient Slavs was built very harmoniously – on the laws spiritual hierarchy.

By the way, the concept of hierarchy in the modern world is again very distorted. Hierarchy is far from submission of the lower more higher, as presented in the modern world, hierarchy is the investment of everything lower into the higher. That’s where the concept comes from, that we all are particles of God, because we are all “embedded” in Him, but not in any way subordinate to the Almighty. Spiritual hierarchy involves no submission and not the rule, but in the first place – the greatest responsibility. And as one or another rises in the course of spiritual growth personality, so does its responsibility.

A photo from open sources

By the way, we say that the ancient Slavs lived long and practically did not were sick, moreover, they had such a high and clean energy, that they were practically bypassed by all the conquerors, including the ancient Romans were afraid to invade the territory Great Russia, about which we know practically nothing. But all the power of Slavic Rus relied primarily on spiritual concern about the new generation …

That is why modern society needs first to reconsider their attitude to the conception and birth of children, and only then just think about improving the process of their upbringing, like, however, and everything else that we lost because of the same forced Christianization of the Slavs.

Love and the Law of RITA

Of course, this article is very superficial, because about spiritual revival of the Slavs can (and even need) to speak very many. But this is not the task of this material. It’s all good wrote in his many writings and primarily in books “Chronological and esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization” scientist and writer George Alekseevich Sidorov. Today, even those who I’ve already completely forgotten how to read, can be easily found on the Internet and listen to his many speeches on various issues in including those relating to the RITA Law.

A photo from open sources

The main thing that we wanted to say in this article: each true Slav (however, like any other woman in the world) today must to understand that the birth of children must be treated extremely Seriously.

But what about those who already for one reason or another have crossed “hell” and can no longer fulfill the condition: the father of the children – he is first man? Calm down, sweet smokes with a pure heart, from true hot love beautiful harmonious are always born children. Today it’s hard to say how much the RITA Law took into account fiery love between a man and a woman, I think it was the prerogative of those who stood guard over the Law itself. But love unconditional Love, in this Universe explains everything and moves everything. A therefore, it must be assumed that the RITA Law itself is only a part, tool in terms of the realization of boundless divine Love …

Universe Life Health

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