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The overall effectiveness of the vaccine against the strain of influenza H3N2 is 45 percent for the population of Canada, and 42 percent for Europeans. According to published control centers and disease prevention information applicable this year the flu vaccine is ineffective for people over 65. The report contains an assessment of the effectiveness of the vaccine. Evaluated her ability to prevent severe flu symptoms in which medical intervention required. And judging by the assessment, the current the vaccine does little to help older people. This age group vaccination reduces the risk of developing severe symptoms of influenza A H3N2, which requires specialist assistance, only nine percent. When experts calculated the overall effectiveness of the vaccine against influenza A and B strains, it turned out that for the elderly the risk of getting sick is reduced to only 27 percent. The conclusions are disappointing given that the H3N2 vaccine component of the set of antigens is good consistent with viruses common this year. It is noteworthy that the B-component of the vaccine is consistent with the genomes current viral dangers are much less, however, he more effective. Influenza expert from the Center for Control and disease prevention, doctor Joe Breezy, warns that vaccinated older people should be aware of the need to visit a doctor if symptoms of a cold appear. it necessary to decide on antiviral preparations. Breezy reports: “We want to make sure that people, especially in old age, know about it. We keep informing population that in case of illness are necessary antiviral drugs. Do not consider your disease than anything but flu just because a shot was given. By According to the doctor, the overall effectiveness of vaccination in relation to the strain H3N2 flu is 45 percent for the Canadian population, and 42 percent for Europeans.