A man with an alien head found in China

A man with an alien head found in ChinaPhotos from open sources of

Citizen of the People’s Republic of China Qi Yuanhai has a huge ugly head of irregular shape. He was born with absolutely normal appearance, however a terrible disease made its like a representative of some extraterrestrial civilization or mutant from some science fiction movie.

Doctors diagnosed Yuanhai as a teenager hyperplasia – an increase in the number of structural elements of tissues in connection with their excess neoplasm. As a result, the unfortunate Chinese bone tissue of the skull, stretching the patient’s head in height and width.

A photo from open sources

Today, Qi is fifty-three years old. It is noteworthy that until now of the moment, this terrible state didn’t particularly worry him, however now Yuanhai suddenly began to suffer from intense bunt pains and I was seriously worried about my health. Examined him doctors concluded that the cause of the disease was Chinese ecology that in the past few decades has worsened to catastrophic indicators.

Qi and his sibling, whose similar affliction, fortunately, passed, raise funds for plastic surgery for the patient. However, doctors are not able to say whether this man will help operation from his headaches and whether it will return him human view.


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