A map appeared on the Internet with a literal translation of the names of all countries of the world

A map appeared on the Internet with a literal translation of the names of all countries of the worldA photo from open sources

It was made by employees of Credit Card Compare, having done considerable work, since they had to directly engage in etymology – the science of the origin of words, and in this case, the origins origin of the name of a country.

And these names, I must admit, are really far from those which we used to hear, that is, from purely symbolic. For example, we all know that there is such a country in Europe – Spain. But, as it turns out, literally this word translates as “Country many rabbits. “Or take Poland -” Country of Fields “, Italy – “Country of young cattle”, Ukraine – “Country at the edge” (probably meaning: at the edge of Russia). By the way, Chile is also extreme (the most extreme) country – “Where the Earth ends.”

A photo from open sources

Amazing, in many cases, cognitive true names countries of the world allow you to look into their history, come into contact with the geographical location of a territory, get acquainted with the local customs of many nations and even face the fact that some state names arose due to errors made cartographers.

However, watch a short video, stop it by need, considering a particular continent in more detail, for example, looking for the country you want to go to rest this summer, and explore our world from an etymological point of view view.


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