A monster shot on the beach led netizens at a loss

A monster shot on the beach perplexed Web usersA photo from open sources

On the sandy beach of Julianadorpe the Netherlands recently threw out of water strange monster that fell into the frame amateur operator.

… A mysterious creature lies on the sand and shows no signs of life. However, the operator seems to be approaching this. monster with extreme caution (watch the video), and then in general, suddenly stops shooting, which makes the video even more intriguing.

This is such a “knight’s move,” one user asks. Of the Internet, or an alien creature has contrived and instantly swallowed the Dutchman? And then spat out absolutely tasteless smartphone. Hence, probably, neither authorship, nor commentary, nor “continuation of the banquet” …

Other users saw it was in a strange creature ordinary driftwood, but immediately doubted this: too cautious operator. Surely he can better see what it is, because the video is unimportant, but visually a person from five meters is easy able to distinguish living from dead.

YouTube video hosting users start sharing their considerations, they say, such riddles the sea throws people almost not every day, for example, in September in the Philippines was filmed ten-meter monster on the shore, whose origin is so nobody and did not find out. Unfortunately, most of the “gifts” of the ocean remain uncommitted and therefore unknown to anyone.

And yet, it brings people back to the current topic. commentator, someone sees an animal in this “snag” or was the cunning dutchman just kidding us all?

By majority of votes (voting, of course, was not held) hosting users recognized the filmed creature as a dead monster, most likely formerly deep-sea animals, unknown science. Recent hurricanes have done a lot of trouble, so they suffered from they are not only people, but also the animal kingdom of the ocean …


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