A mysterious broadcast in Russia radio station “Hummer”

A mysterious radio station is continuously broadcasting in RussiaA photo from open sources

Conventionally, it is called a short-wave radio station UVB-76 and for some reason indicate “birthday” – 1982, although the BBC edition gave her the name “Hummer” and reports that she has been buzzing since 1970 of the year.

Since then she has been heard in many parts of the world, but no one knows what is this “white noise” and why does anyone need it? Listen to him everyone can, and if you have patience or write it all down, then occasionally you can hear cryptic phrases breaking into the air, say, “Dmitry, Nikolai, Ivan, Gregory, 66, 09, 77, 85 either Ulyana, Zhenya, Zinaida, Olga, 80, 16, 374 “. And in the winter of 2013 a mysterious radio station issued the following: “MJB team announced 135 “. Right, at least go to the fortuneteller …

As the conspiracy theorists have determined, the signal comes from two points in Russia, lost somewhere near Moscow and near St. Petersburg, frequency, on which the station works, it seems to belong to the Russian Armed Forces, but the military does not recognize this. Perhaps this is a radio station to communicate with foreign spies. And although no country the presence of such does not recognize radio stations, but the United States, for example, for some reason moment heavily blames North Korea for this, leadership which, allegedly, in this way gives instructions to his secret agents scattered around the world.

There is even an opinion that the mysterious radio station communicates with aliens or even catches signals from the other world, but it’s unlikely whether … The most likely, according to conspiracy theorists, UVB-76 performs communication with all necessary services of Russia, due to which in case of a military attack on the country through this “Hummer” will be right there transmitted an alarm, a response attack order, and so on. A constantly buzzing because it shows that the frequency is busy.


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