A mysterious creature with a gift lives in the Russian forest hypnosis

A photo from open sources

NTV reported that in the Kostroma region found snow human. It turns out that he has been living in Kologrivsky for several years forest and mesmerizing people. “The eyes burn like two emeralds. He can change the look right in front of our eyes, “said one of eyewitnesses. “Women just lose consciousness, men embrace fear, panic, “added another.” It’s known that snowy a man several meters tall and covered with wool. But the most amazing – the mysterious creature is endowed with the gift of hypnosis, “- says TV company. For the first time about a beast of the Kologrivsky forest told a hunter from a village located on the shore of Unzhi. He worked for logging and one evening saw a huge hairy a man who stood with his arms crossed, about 15 meters from house, and watched him. The growth of the giant was not less than three with half meters. The hunter did not make out the wool, but the color of the skin (or short hair) was the creature “like a tanned man.” IN in a panic, an eyewitness rushed into the house and locked the door. According to him, a bigfoot stomped on the roof, pounded on it, jumped to the ground and pounded something on the walls for three hours. Then snowy the man reappeared. A local resident said: “I heard about “Bigfoot”, but presented him in a completely different way: scary, like a gorilla, and with black shaggy hair. And here is normal, slightly Mongoloid face, white smooth coat. It was later, but at that moment I felt cold and trembling in my legs. He stood near five minutes, then turned his back to me and left. “Next Its appearance was observed by two fishermen. They spent the night on the beach small river, tributary Unzhi, 20 kilometers from the district center Kologriva. Waking up in the morning, men saw standing on another the bank of the river the figure of a hairy “shishiga” (so called in these places goof). He was about three meters tall and stood calmly crossing hands on chest watching fishermen. Realizing that they saw him, he turned his back and, slowly, withdrew. Meeting, according to fishermen lasted a minute or two. No witnesses details discerned. The only thing they noticed: the nose the mysterious creature is very flattened, and the color of the hair on the body and the head was different shades of gray. Yeti

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