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This mysterious, newly discovered disease affects mainly young women and it is very difficult to recognize. First sick appeared in Philadelphia, these patients claimed that their brain was “as if on fire.” The disease begins with personality changes. A woman begins to behave like an obsessed, is in the hospital and, after some time, falls into a catatonic stupor. She can seem completely normal and behave normally, but in for a moment, for no reason, it becomes insane. “IN any second I could fall into hysteria, burst into sobs, and in the next instant with the same hysterical laughter, “- says one of the patients from New Jersey, Susanna Kahalan. “Me haunted by fears. It was either paranoia, or mania. Something it was not so with me. It seemed to me that the trucks were chasing me, ” – recalls Emily Gavigan from Pennsylvania. Emily was a sophomore of the University of Scranton when she appeared signs of a strange disease. When she was taken to the hospital, she did not controlled the movements of her hands. After that, convulsions began. It took lung ventilation. Parents watched in horror as their child is slipping away from life, and had no idea how to help. “For several weeks she was between life and death” – said Emily’s mom. “We understood that we were losing her. And nothing could do, “the girl’s father added. The doctors shrugged, no one could understand what kind of misfortune it was. “I started to do strange hand movements, pulled them in front of her. Sometimes i was normal, and the next minute I started hallucinations, and I screamed that my own father had abducted me “- recalls Suzanne. It turned out that neither Suzanne nor Emily were mentally ill. They both suffered an autoimmune disease, called “Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis” in which antibodies “attack” the brain, causing the formation of a tumor. Suzanne said as the doctor explained to her parents: “He said that my the brain was on fire. “This rare brain inflammation happens practically only by young women. No one knows why. “Most often, doctors take this disease for mental. I think there are many such patients who have been misdiagnosed. ” Dr. Josep Dalmo from the University of Pennsylvania. Susan and Emily lucky – they were correctly diagnosed and were able to help. Not less than a cure guaranteeing full recovery until exist. Both girls are warned that at any time relapse occurs.
Life time