A new species of monkeys discovered in Peru

A new species of monkey was discovered in PeruA photo from open sources

In Peru, near the border with Ecuador, a new previously unknown species of monkey Titi. The discovery occurred in during the scientific expedition to the Urubamba River Valley in Peru. Belonging to the largest group of monkeys in South America, Titi differ in relatively small sizes (like home cat), fluffy tail and a unique gray-brown color. Animals lead a family lifestyle and live in small groups of a few pairs. Most often, a family of this species consists of four monkeys and replenished annually after the children grow up and kicked out of a group of older individuals. At the moment, science knows approximately 34 species of Titi monkeys with a unique color. “TO unfortunately, a recently found species of monkey can quickly disappear, “says scientist Jan Vermeer.” This remote area is an ideal place for illegal hunting, but other than that, animals are threatened by the extinction of the Amazonian jungle, where they inhabit “. According to scientists, in nature there are less than 250 such monkeys. It is worth noting that several decades ago only five species of Titi monkeys were known to science. Through a small the amount of time this amount has changed markedly. “We just we begin to study and understand the life factors of the Titi monkeys, therefore there may be many more scientific discoveries ahead, “emphasizes Vermeer.

Life of peru

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