A plumber digs a tunnel under the family bed to run away from my wife to the bar

The plumber dug a tunnel under the family bed to escape from his wife to the barA photo from open sources Podkopy, as a rule, is committed by robbers, or prisoners who decided to escape. However, the reason a resident of Ireland decided to create a tunnel, became one of the most unusual. Irish plumber Patsy Kerr created under his bed underground passage to visit a local pub. Via a man visited his drinking establishment in his secret tunnel, located 250 meters from his house for 15 years. About, that the tunnel exists, it turned out quite by accident. Underground the course caused the collapse of the sewer pipe under the adjacent home, and when it turned out, the man had to face Court of Om, Northern Ireland. “My wife snores terribly and, at of this, she sleeps very soundly, so after watching the movie “Escape from Shawshank “in the cinema in 1994, I decided to make my underground passage. I waited until my wife fell asleep, and began to dig a hole under the bed in the direction of the pub, “said the man during the trial hearing. The plumber admitted that he used a variety of tool. Starting with a spoon, he switched to a shovel, pickaxe and even jackhammer when he managed to go deeper and retire to several tens of meters from the matrimonial bed on which she slept his missus. To complete the work, man it took 15 years. In 2009, his tunnel was under the female toilet of the pub, from where it ended up in the establishment. Thereafter Kerr’s life has become a paradise. Every day around 11 in the evening, his wife fell asleep in a sound sleep and the man could calmly go to the pub and return home in the morning in your own way secret underground passage. To wife’s questions about a strange smell the man claimed that it was a natural smell. Suspicions arose and from the owner of the pub, who began to notice that Kerr every night appeared out of nowhere and before closing it disappeared into the women’s toilet. The tunnel was discovered after the local council held study on wastewater caused by how it turned out that the pipe damage accidentally caused by Kerr during digging time, writes in a fresh issue Irish online edition of Tyrone Tribulations.

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