A “random” car accident suddenly … saved life to man

A photo from open sources

The other day we wrote about fatal deaths that absurdly seem offensive, that is, from the point of human logic these misfortunes could easily be avoided, show unhappy more care and caution. But … it’s as if a man was already being prepared for death, and the most ridiculous, moreover, to avoid this was, by apparently, it’s simply impossible.

But life is full of reverse examples, when a person parameters must die, and he is saved by an “absurd” accident, and sometimes an accident that at first glance seems even disaster. This is exactly what happened with 30-year-old American Lauren Neville.

To begin with, at some point this a young woman, mother of two young children, began to nervous seizures, and for no apparent reason. All this is often accompanied by dizziness and severe headaches. Doctors determined the patient’s depression and prescribed a bunch of it antidepressants, which Lauren, as a law-abiding American, faithfully believing in the medicine of her country, she conscientiously drank, although for some reason they did not help her at all.

A photo from open sources

And then Neville suddenly … gets into an accident, crashing into his car into the tree. And in this case only the car was damaged, since Lauren was not driving very fast at that moment. Nonetheless, doctors, suspecting a woman of an internal brain injury, made her an MRI heads and … discovered the cause of all her ailments of the last two years – swelling with a golf ball.

A photo from open sources

Despite the fact that the brain tumor was malignant (glioblastoma), a car accident happened right on time, that is, Lauren Neville could soon miss the chance to hold successful operation. Currently, the tumor has been removed and she is already passed a rehabilitation course of treatment. According to doctors, nothing threatens the woman, but she’s at least a little late months …

… And then her two children would be left without a mother. And today is Lauren Neville is very happy that God saved her for life, although at the first moment after the accident, she also thought what had happened to her misfortune. But it turned out – good luck. Yes, what!

Apparently, the time has not yet come to leave her in another world. And the head the tumor was given, it must be understood, in order to gain some experience, to understand something more important, for example, to change Neville’s usual perception of reality, which called – prosperous American life …

Life time

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