A resident of Canada has been digging a basement for 14 years help radio-controlled cars

A resident of Canada has been digging the basement with radio-controlled cars for 14 years.A photo from open sources

If you think that digging a basement is even specially designed for this technique is quite difficult, then imagine how to do it with remotely controlled cars! A here’s a Canadian farmer Joe Murray digging a basement for 14 years in your own home using a radio-controlled excavator and dump truck. Despite the fact that the work is still far away, a man in no hurry and ready to spend so much time on it, as needed.

Murray lives in Saskatchewan and devotes all his leisure time the creation and operation of toy radio-controlled equipment. In June 2005, he got the idea to dig a cellar with his cars under the house and immediately set to work. In a few months worked here a tandem of mini-technology, and Murray was sitting next to remote control in hand.

Of course, in order to dig and take out in a similar way a few tons of land, it takes a lot of time, but Joe given circumstance does not bother. The man says that for him it is by no means not a job, but a hobby, that is, relaxation and entertainment. And generally digging the basement is just an excuse to usefully and purposefully involve your favorites. Among other things, a man doesn’t even represents what will do after this shock labor the watch will end.

The farmer says that he was very surprised when about he began to write journalists. Murray leads a YouTube channel dedicated to his hobby, but did not even suspect that his unusual occupation will be of interest to anyone except the same lovers remotely controlled models. Some commentators persistently recommend that an enthusiast submit an application to the Guinness Book of Records. In response, Joe says he does not seek fame and gain any rewards. His hobby alone brings a man so much joy and inspiration that he is quite happy and for more doesn’t even count.


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