A photo from open sources
They say who is destined to be hanged – will not drown. So really everything in this life is predetermined, and the fatalists are right in convincing us of that everyone is destined for his fate, which cannot be avoid nor change?
This theory is supported by a unique case that occurred with a young man from China (he is now 29 years old). Astounding a story told by the “main character” himself, who wished stay incognito, such. From youth, he developed a useful, as he believed, a habit: at mass parties and parties tagged his glass with a toothpick. Threw it in, say, wine – and already nobody will touch your wine glass, but you can easily find it in any state of intoxication.
But once this habit greatly let a young man who accidentally swallowed the identification toothpick and did not even notice it. This event occurred about four years ago, after which the enterprising Chinese continued to mark his a drink.
Meanwhile, his state of health began abruptly getting worse, which made the man go to the doctors. Four years, he went from one specialist to another, spending on consultations and surveys of more than 30 thousand US dollars. TO Unfortunately, the doctors were not able to determine the cause of the ailments strange patient, all organs and systems of which worked as Swiss Watches.
In the end, a man with high fever got into resuscitation, and here during the examination, the doctors found in his heart is some kind of strange blackout and determined what exactly it caused an attack. The patient underwent surgery – and, lo and behold, removed a six-centimeter toothpick from the heart! .. How did it get there hit, doctors can only speculate, but one thing is clear: piercing with sharp, needle-like ends, soft tissue, a toothpick somehow managed to get to the heart. Even more what seems surprising is that this little skewer didn’t kill Chinese, piercing him the most important organ.
Currently, this unique person has already been discharged from the hospital and, for the first time over the past four years, feeling good. About such people they are said to have been born in a shirt, but on the other hand to whom destined to leave this world at a venerable age surrounded many relatives and friends, he will not die young from some miserable toothpicks. By the way, now a man is not something to put into a glass, and can’t even look at these “picks”. What and understandably…
China time