A selection of minifacts: “Do you know that” – 9

A selection of minifacts:A photo from open sources

Germany’s first female pilot to master figures aerobatics, was called Beate Uze. During the Second World War she was testing the world’s first jet aircraft, escaped on it with her baby son from the surrounded Berlin and later made a huge fortune by opening the world’s first sex shop.

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Lion tamers often use chairs because lions can focus on only one target, which is attacked. And when four legs are simultaneously approaching these formidable predators stools, they are completely lost and retreat.

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A man who holds a cup of hot drink in his hands, others also seem to be “warmer” – that is, more friendly and generous.

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During protests against law requiring motorcyclists wearing helmets, one man died crashing on a motorcycle. Medical experts concluded that if there were helmet then he would survive.

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Hercules beetle weighs only one hundred grams, and can lift up to eight kilogram, which allows him to be called the strongest animal on The earth.

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During a press conference on safety on the rail the road, reporting on achievements in this field, the senator only miraculously was not hit by a passing train.

A photo from open sources

In 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War, two Japanese officers staged a terrible contest – which of them will kill 100 faster Chinese, using only edged weapons. Japanese press covered this event as a sporting event daily by publishing the number of “points” scored by each competitor.

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In professional bowling, special, complex oil patterns that affect the trajectory of the ball. Player it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties of the coating – it is in this and lies the main difficulty of such a contest.

Reno National Bowling Stadium, Reno Nevada.A photo from open sources

Like August, unlucky for Russia, the United States has its own unlucky month. Boston Marathon (2013), massacre at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (2007), school massacre Columbine (1999), Oklahoma City attack (1995) and siege religious sect in Mount Carmel estate (1993) – all of these numerous casualties occurred in April

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In Japan, it is believed that if the umbrella is long enough lying idle, then he turns into one-eyed and one-legged a jumping demon named Casa Obake.

Kasa_Obake___Umbrella_Ghosts_by_Verdego (1)A photo from open sources

War Time Russia Japan

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