A selection of minifacts: Do you know that

A selection of minifacts: Did you know thatA photo from open sources

When a person under the influence of electric current is thrown on a fairly large distance is the result of a sharp and strong muscle contractions, not shock, as many think. Concerning the question arises about the true strength and capabilities of muscles human body

tokA photo from open sources

The person who filed the most lawsuits for various reasons, tried to sue the Guinness Book, when there appeared a note about his peculiar record

1324460746_ugolovnoe_delo_v_otnoshenie_20_letnego_irkutyanina_rasstrelyavshego_avtobus_s_detmi_zakrytoA photo from open sources

The age of the fish can be determined approximately the same as the age tree. On its scales, too, “annual rings” are formed.

Fish-scale-agingA photo from open sources

In fact, we all constantly live in the past – about 80 milliseconds. It takes so much time for our brain to process information

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One day, a resident of Florida woke up with a terrible headache pain. The pills did not help, and he went to the hospital, where the doctors taken out of his head … a bullet. It turned out that his wife tried him at night to kill

Girl with a gun-6_359099535A photo from open sources

Residents of a Chinese city have long wondered how couples manage to work in their little family a restaurant 21 hours a day and look fresh and rested. It turned out that the restaurant had two married couples. Both men and women are identical twins

a97898_identical_couples_5-restaurantA photo from open sources

Albinoes are even flies.

xBYa9pHA photo from open sources

70% of the land of England is still owned by 1% of it citizens, most of whom are descendants of the soldiers of the army of William The conqueror.

Norman conquest and the Battle of HastingsA photo from open sources

In the early 19th century, prisoners were fed lobsters in prisons – and that’s was considered cruel and sophisticated punishment

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Japanese macaques learned to steal purses and purses, pull out coins, throw them into vending machines and mine way yourself a treat.

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Tomato ketchup can serve as an example of a non-Newtonian fluid – that is, the viscosity is unstable and depends on the speed gradient. By this It is explained why it does not pour out of a glass bottle immediately. The more you shake it, the more liquid it becomes.

KetuchupA photo from open sources

Bulletproof glass can be one-sided. It means, that you can shoot back and hit the target, staying in security (your bullet will leave only a small hole, not damaging the rest of the glass).

iStock_000012515233Small-e1371677652604A photo from open sources

Japanese aquarium koi named Hanako changed for her the lives of several owners and died in 1977 at the age of 226

koi1A photo from open sources

Belarus is the only country where the most popular The web browser is Opera.

most_used_web_browser_world_map_by_august_2012_by_saint_tepes-d5g1a8aA photo from open sources

Japan time

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