A simple social experiment proved decency of ordinary people

A simple social experiment proved the decency of ordinary peopleA photo from open sources

To help others do not have to give all their savings to charity or to organize any funds. Good, as it turned out, it can be shown in the most ordinary acts.

We think we are not deceiving if we say that the vast majority Earthlings would be happy to help others, but they don’t know how, that is, not always and not everyone succeeds in realizing their pure spiritual impulses. In favor this statement says the results of a simple social recent experiment in America.

In San Diego California people, an ordinary shield was installed on the street, on which pins attached twenty dollar bills. A large inscription was placed at the top of the stand: “Take how much you necessary, or give as much as you wish. “Authors of the experiment also installed a hidden camera nearby to capture the reaction passersby. The result was truly amazing.

Only three people took one or more banknotes. Many other people chose to attach dollars to the board, donating them to street charity. In less than an hour how the shield was completely covered with money, while people all approached and attached new bills to the second and even third layer.

Soon a homeless man walked near the stand, who, like the others, didn’t voluntary participants in the experiment, did not know about the hidden camera, however, he took nothing. Then one of the organizers of the action did not stood, went to a man with no fixed abode and asked why he refused money. Homeless answered that he had already managed to have a satisfying meal that day, so the need to take money that someone probably needs more, he no longer has It was.

According to the authors of the experiment, the results exceeded all of them. expectations. “We are very happy and proud that we live in a city where there are such a huge number of responsive and decent people, “- organizers report. It seems that this would be highlighted in every city of our big planet because little good doing so is easy and enjoyable. And this is inherent in most people, living on earth.


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