A strange aquatic creature filmed on video civil servants in alaska

A strange water creature was filmed by civil servants in AlaskaA photo from open sources

On the Internet, a video showing popularity is gaining popularity as employees of the Bureau of Public and Public Management land in Alaska, working in the city of Fairbanks, once removed on The video is something strange floating in the local Chen River. Craig Makkaa and Ryan Delaney spotted an object in the water, which at first taken for several pieces of ice. However, Americans are fast realized that this was something much more unusual.

Strange “ice floes”, witnesses of this incident write, were moving strictly one after another, and under them something gray was visible, wriggling in the water and clearly swimming along a meaningful trajectory. how it’s not hard to guess, surprised civil servants thought it was It is about a mysterious creature – a river monster. McCaa quickly pulled out his smartphone and captured the alleged creature, and in a very good quality. An entity soon afterwards disappeared under the bridge, on which men stood, and no longer appeared on the surface rivers.

By turning on the video below, you can see called Fairbank Nessie (not yet famous at all) with my own eyes. And although this video was shot quite a while ago (two years back in the spring), in the city of Fairbanks, according to the authors material, locals still, no, no, yes notice on the river strange movements, very similar to the movements of a huge “water hell. ”

Skeptics who watched the video claim it was probably frozen rope floating along the river, but agree with them not all users of the World Wide Web.

By the way, many residents of Alaska confirm that the local rivers, lakes, forests and plains hide many mysterious creatures, oh which official science had never heard of. And if I heard then traditionally it simply dismisses such “miracles”. However, does the right thing, because what logic cannot understand or not It is recommended to explain to the general public by the authorities from above, it’s best not to disturb, as Orthodox scholars do, moreover not only in America, but almost all over the world …


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