A strange monster is walking high fence

Someone from New Jersey posted a photo of a strange a monster that looks like a creature jumping onto a fence or walking around it. A few readers wonder is not whether an unknown animal, and some even believe that it may be a character called the “devil from New Jersey.” Diabolicism posted the image Wednesday night under heading “What the hell is this beast? (Discovered in New Jersey). “Within hours, more than 600 appeared comments on the post from other Reddit users. Also their interested in what kind of creature. But it turned out that no one could recognize him. According to reporter Jessica Bymes, South Jersey Times, photo not from New Jersey. The photo was made in Oklahoma and first posted May 6 on Facebook WildCareOklahoma and the Department of Wildlife Oklahoma. But it turns out that the coin has another side. Behind the “monster” really doesn’t look like usual, and in front it’s not so and terrible. The monster turned out to be a harmless squirrel, suffering vitamin deficiency. Photos from open sources


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