Photo from open sources
In the Indian town of Koraput the other day extremely event: in a boarding school for girls, students began to lose consciousness due to a ghost frightening children. Almost three hundred students, and a third of them live in a dormitory at school.
At least six girls already fainted when faced with paranormal events occurring in buildings this educational institution. By the way, we note that in the school year in India begins in April, and now it is in full swing.
One of the injured students said that she saw a terrible a woman who had unnaturally white hair and a creepy face, one side of which was charred. The woman went to the girl and she said that she was her daughter and that she should return to her mother. After this schoolgirl lost consciousness.
Another victim at the time when she was drawing in art studio, suddenly felt that someone came up and stood behind her with your back. And at this moment for some reason the girl panic fear that she did not dare to turn around and see who standing behind her. Fear grew until the child lost consciousness.
After these events, twenty students just fled from the hostel boarding school, many girls are now afraid to go to school. At the commandant of the hostel Pratim Maharana assures him that he works here since February of this year and have never encountered paranormal phenomena. Why only children see ghosts, and why ghosts appeared in the boarding school just now – not understandably.
Parents of students insist that in the buildings of schools and dormitories special ritual ceremonies were held – pujas banishing evil spirits. Boarding Director Shailendra Nath Rat does not mind conducting poojas, as this should calm both children and parents, although the administrator himself does not believe in any ghosts. By the way, in Indian schools only teachers work men.